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Week 12 - Symmetry vs Wedge vs HP equation

Objective:- The work is focused on performing a CFD simulation for a flow through a cylindrical pipe with reference to Hagen Poiseuille's principle that refers to the laminar flow formation inside a smooth cylindrical tube. Since the computation will be carried out on a laptop, we will not be able to consider the entire…

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Read more Projects by Pratik Ghosh (34)

Visualize 2D Flow Simulation Through A Backward Facing Step For 3 Distinct Mesh Grid Size Using openFOAM & ParaView


Abstract:- The work is focused on simulating fluid flow through a backward-facing step channel that would be subjected to a sudden increase in the cross-sectional area, this would result in flow separation & reattachment zones. The geometry will be designed by creating vertices & then joining them to form blocks.…


19 Jan 2021 06:26 AM IST

  • CFD
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Week 12 - Symmetry vs Wedge vs HP equation


Objective:- The work is focused on performing a CFD simulation for a flow through a cylindrical pipe with reference to Hagen Poiseuille's principle that refers to the laminar flow formation inside a smooth cylindrical tube. Since the computation will be carried out on a laptop, we will not be able to consider the entire…


19 Jan 2021 06:26 AM IST

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Writing A MATLAB/Octave Code To Perform A 1D Super-Sonic Nozzle Flow Simulation Using Macormack Method.


Abstract:- The work is focused on writing a MATLAB/Octave code to simulate the isentropic flow through a quasi 1D supersonic nozzle using both the conservation and non-conservation forms of the governing equations and solving them using MacCormack's technique and compare their solutions by performing a grid dependency…


19 Jan 2021 06:24 AM IST

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Writing A MATLAB/Octave Program To Solve the 2D Heat Conduction Equation For Both Steady & Transient State Using Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel & Successive Over Relaxation (SOR) Schemes.


Problem Statement:- 1. Steady-state analysis & Transient State Analysis Solve the 2D heat conduction equation by using the point iterative techniques that were taught in the class. The Boundary conditions for the problem are as follows; Top Boundary = 600 K Bottom Boundary = 900 K Left Boundary = 400 K Right Boundary…


19 Jan 2021 06:23 AM IST

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Writing A MATLAB/Octave Code To Solve A Linear System Using Different Implicit Solvers To Compute The Spectral Radius


  #User Defined Function (UDF) for Jacobi Method ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [jac_iter jac_error x] = Jacobi_function (L,d,U,B) x = zeros(3,1); x_old = x; jac_error…


19 Jan 2021 06:23 AM IST

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    Writing A MATLAB/Octave Code To Analyze The Effect of Number of Grid Points On A Linear Convection Problem


    Problem Statement:-  Numerical solution to the One-dimensional Linear Convection equation. 1. Assume that the domain length is L = 1m 2. The initial velocity profile is a step function. It is equal to 2m/s between x= 0.1 and 0.3 and 1m/s everywhere else 3. Use first-order forward differencing for the time derivative…


    19 Jan 2021 06:22 AM IST

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    Writing a MATLAB/Octave Program To Observe The Effect of (dx) On Truncation Error For First, Second & Fourth Order Approximations


    Problem Statement  1. For a range of dx, plot the first order, second and fourth-order error. dx range = [pi/4000,pi/40,20]  2. Make sure that you plot dx vs error in a way that makes sense. 3. Explain the results in the space provided. What can you say about the slope of the curves in this plot? 4. Write…


    19 Jan 2021 06:22 AM IST

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      Writing MATLAB/Octave Program That Compares The First, Second & Fourth Order Approximations of The First Derivative Against The Analytical Or Exact Derivative.


      Problem Description 1. The function that needs to be computed, if f(x) = sin(x)/x^3 2. You will compute the first derivative at x = pi/3 for dx = pi/30. 2a. You will compute the derivative both numerically and analytically. Make sure you compute 1st, 2nd, and 4th order approximations. 3. Define an error parameter as the…


      19 Jan 2021 06:21 AM IST

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      Simulate Simple Harmonic Motion of A Pendulum By Solving Second Order Differential Equation (Newtons 2nd Law) Using Matlab/Octave Program.


      Abstract:- The work is focused on transforming Newtons 2nd Law of motion, which is in the form of a second-order differential equation into two ordinary differential equations (ODE) & writing a code using "ODE45" or "LSODE" function in MATLAB or Octave (depending on the programing language used) respectively to…


      19 Jan 2021 06:20 AM IST

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      MATLAB/Octave Code To Plot The Variation of Stoichiometric Co-efficient (ar) For Alkane, Alkene & Alkyne With Number of Carbon Atoms (n).


       Abstract:- The work is focused on writing a simple MATLAB/Octave code using functions to calculate the stoichiometric co-efficient (ar) for air-fuel ratio for alkane, alkene, and alkynes. Stoichiometric combustion offers an easy way to understand combustion concepts. When fuel and air mix they produce…


      19 Jan 2021 06:19 AM IST

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      Performing External Aerodynamic Simulation On A Mercedes Benz Truck With & Without The Container By Designing A Wind Tunnel In STAR-CCM+ Software.


      Abstract:- The work is focused on editing the Mercedes-Benz truck using the geometry editing tools available in STAR-CCM+, rotating the truck trailer to align with the truck & finally creating a wind tunnel of adequate dimensions. We will be running 2 simulations, one with the trailer & the other without a…


      19 Jan 2021 06:16 AM IST

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      Performing "Surface Re-meshing" On A Dirty Ford Engine Using STAR-CCM+ Software


      Surface Remeshing is one of the steps in the STAR CCM+ workflow. This feature can only be used once the Pierced Face, Open Edge & Non-manifold errors are resolved using the Surface Repair or Surface Wrap feature. Other errors such as the Face Quality & Proximity errors are resolved using this technique. Step…


      19 Jan 2021 05:56 AM IST

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        Experimental Study of Fluid Flow Over A NACA 0012 Aerofoil Subjected To Varying Angle of Attacks By Creating A Virtual Wind Tunnel Using STAR CCM+ Software


        Abstract:- The experiment is focused on studying the flow characteristics over a symmetric NACA 0012 aerofoil inside a virtually designed low subsonic wind tunnel created using the geometry editing tools available in STAR CCM+ software & the results obtained will be post-processed using Plots & reports.…


        19 Jan 2021 05:53 AM IST

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          Performing "Surface Wrap" Operation On A Dirty Ford Engine Using STAR-CCM+ Software


          When complex geometric structures with several smaller parts attached to it are imported to STAR CCM+ software, the software automatically converts the geometry surface into smaller triangles, while doing so the software encounters several issues such as the Pierced face, Open edge, Face quality, Face proximity & Non-manifold…


          19 Jan 2021 05:52 AM IST

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            Experimental Study of A Non-premixed Combustion Model Using CFD Software ANSYS


            Abstract:- The objective of the experiment is to perform a non-premixed combustion simulation on a hypothetical combustor model. A combustion reaction is when a substance reacts with oxygen and releases a huge amount of energy in the form of light and heat. The first required reactant in combustion is fuel. Many…


            19 Jan 2021 05:51 AM IST

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              Performing CFD Analysis On A Fluid Flow Through A Gate Valve With Variable Disk Using Ansys Fluent (Parametric Study)


              Abstract:- In the current project, we shall study the mass flow rate at the outlet of a hypothetical gate valve for variable levels of lift of the gate disk. Gate valves are machine elements that are commonly used to control the flow of fluids through a long pipe. In construction, a gate valve consists of a circular gate…


              19 Jan 2021 05:47 AM IST

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              Performing Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Analysis On A Hypothetical Graphics Card Using Ansys Fluent.


              Abstract:- The work is focused on performing a steady-state, pressure-based conjugate heat transfer analysis on a hypothetical graphics card with appropriate user-defined materials. The term conjugate heat transfer (CHT) is used to describe a process that involves variations of temperature within solids and fluids,…


              19 Jan 2021 05:46 AM IST

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              Performing CFD Analysis On A Cyclone Separator To Track Motion Of Particles With Varied Sizes Using ANSYS Fluent


              Abstract:- Cyclone separators are very useful equipment for particle removal from gaseous streams. Their simple design and low capital and maintenance costs have made cyclones one of the most widely used gas−solid separators. Their dynamic behavior includes several phenomena, such as vortex breakdown, a reversal…


              19 Jan 2021 05:44 AM IST

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              Performing CFD Analysis Over A 2D Cylinder To Visualize Von Kármán Vortex Shedding Using ANSYS Fluent.


              Abstract:- Flow past a cylinder is one of the classical problems of fluid mechanics & the primary objective of this simulation is to perform external flow analysis for various Reynolds no (Re) over a 2-dimensional cylinder using both steady-state & transient solver. The flow is assumed to be 2D therefore…


              19 Jan 2021 05:43 AM IST

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              Designing An Experiment To Simulate A 2 Dimensional Rayleigh Taylor Instability Problem Using SpaceClaim & Ansys Fluent.


              ABSTRACT:- The purpose of this paper is to simulate a two-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem using the classical method of Finite Volume analysis of a multiphase model using ANSYS FLUENT 20. The study focuses on setting up an experiment to visualize the Rayleigh Taylor instability problem which is…


              19 Jan 2021 05:43 AM IST

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                Performing Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Analysis On A Hypothetical Exhaust Manifold For A 4 Cylinder Engine Using Ansys Fluent.


                ABSTRACT:- The purpose of this experiment is to perform Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis on a hypothetical exhaust manifold of an IC engine using a pressure-based steady-state solver in ANSYS Fluent. The Exhaust manifold in the engines is an important component which has a considerable effect on the performance…


                19 Jan 2021 05:42 AM IST

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                Performing External Aerodynamic Simulation Over An Ahmed Body By Creating A Virtual Wind Tunnel Using SpaceClaim & Ansys Fluent.


                Abstract:- The experiment is focused on investigating the flow characteristics over an AHMED body inside a virtually designed low subsonic wind tunnel created using the geometry editing tools available in SpaceClaim, apply multiple mesh refinement strategies i.e. perform grid scaling or grid independence test, assign…


                19 Jan 2021 05:41 AM IST

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                Performing CFD Analysis On A 3 Dimensional T-Junction To Observe Thermal Mixing For Two Distinct Models Using ANSYS Fluent.


                Abstract:- The experiment is focused on studying the flow characteristics inside a T-junction. Temperature fluctuations occur due to the thermal mixing of hot and cold streams in the T-junctions. If this temperature gradient inside the T-junction is not monitored properly can lead to thermal fatigue of the piping. In…


                19 Jan 2021 05:41 AM IST

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                Performing Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Simulation Using Super-Cycling in Converge CFD Software & Post-processing It In ParaView


                 Abstract:- The work is focused on setting up a flow simulation through an aluminum pipe to visualize the conjugate heat transfer mechanism between the pipe walls & the fluid flowing inside the pipe. We are interested in performing a grid-dependency test & also study the effects of super-cycling on simulation…


                19 Jan 2021 05:38 AM IST

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                Experimental Study Of Fluid Flow Over A NACA 2412 Aerofoil Using Transient Solver By Creating A Virtual Wind Tunnel In Converge CFD & Post-Processing It In ParaView


                Abstract:- The experiment is focused on studying the flow characteristics over a symmetric NACA 2412 aerofoil inside a virtually designed low subsonic wind tunnel created using the geometry editing tools available in Converge CFD software & the results obtained will be post-processed using Paraview. The aerofoil…


                19 Jan 2021 05:34 AM IST

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                External Aerodynamic Simulation Over A Formula SAE Car Using Transient Solver By Creating A Virtual Wind Tunnel In Converge CFD & Post-processing It In Paraview.


                Abstract:- The experiment is focused on studying the flow characteristics over an FSAE car inside a virtually designed low subsonic wind tunnel created using the geometry editing tools available in Converge CFD software & the results obtained will be post-processed using Paraview. This paper describes the…


                19 Jan 2021 05:31 AM IST

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                Performing A 2D Gear Sloshing Simulation Inside A Closed Container By Using An User Defined Function (UDF) For Varying Lubricants Using Ansys Fluent.


                Abstract:- The work is focused on performing a 2D Gear Sloshing simulation using a pressure-based transient solver for two different gearboxes having a clearance of 20% & 30% both filled with two phases of fluid. We will be running 4 different simulations each having a different percentage of immersions & materials…


                19 Jan 2021 05:24 AM IST

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                Visualizing 2D Shock Wave Propagation Inside A Shock Tube Channel Using Converge CFD Software & Post-processing It In ParaView


                Objective:- The experiment is focused on setting up a shock tube simulation using a transient flow solver to visualize shock waves generated due to the pressure difference created between the two regions when the diaphragm inside the tube is ruptured. Such an experiment is primarily useful in the study of chemical…


                26 May 2020 03:52 PM IST

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                Literature Review on Deriving The Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Equations (RANS)


                Objective:- In this paper, we discuss the importance of turbulence as a physical phenomenon and describe the main features of turbulent flow that are easily recognized & make it distinguishable from laminar flow. We follow this by introducing the 3 Navier Stokes Equations i.e. the Continuity Equation,…


                26 May 2020 03:50 PM IST

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                  Visualizing 2D Prandtl-Meyer Shock Flow Emanating Over A Sharp Convex Corner using Converge CFD & Post-processing It In ParaView.


                  Abstract:- The work is focused on visualizing supersonic expansion fan technically known as Prandtl-Meyer shock waves, by allowing high-speed fluid to enter the geometry through an inlet duct followed by a sudden sharp corner, this sharp corner would create an infinite number of expansion waves or Mach lines which…


                  26 May 2020 03:45 PM IST

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                  Visualizing 2D Steady-State Simulation Through An Elbow Duct Holding a Static Throttle Plate Using Converge & Post-processing It In ParaView


                  Aim:- The work is focused on simulating fluid flow through an elbow channel duct containing a static throttle plate. Newtonian fluid, the air is considered as the working fluid for this project. The geometry will be exported as an STL file & modified using the various geometric editing tools available in Converge…


                  26 May 2020 09:00 AM IST

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                  Visualizing 2D Transient Flow Simulation Through an Elbow Duct Holding a Variable Throttle Plate Using Converge CFD & Post-processing It In ParaView


                  Aim:- The work is focused on simulating fluid flow using transient solver through an elbow channel duct containing a variable throttle plate. Newtonian fluid, the air is considered as the working fluid for this project. The pre-designed geometry will be exported as an STL file & modified using the various geometric…


                  26 May 2020 07:28 AM IST

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                  Visualize 2D Flow Simulation Through A Backward Facing Step For 3 Distinct Mesh Grid Size Using Converge CFD & ParaView


                  Aim:- The work is focused on simulating fluid flow through a backward-facing step channel that would be subjected to a sudden increase in the cross-sectional area, this would result in flow separation & reattachment zones. The geometry will be designed using the various geometric editing tools available in Converge…


                  26 May 2020 03:29 AM IST

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                  Visualize 2D Flow Simulation Through A Rectangular Channel Duct For 3 Distinct Mesh Grid Size Using Converge CFD & ParaView


                  Aim:-  The work is focused on simulating fluid flow through a backward-facing step channel that will be designed using the various geometric editing tools available in Converge Studio. Air is considered as the working fluid. Boundary flagging technique is used to assign each side of the geometry to a particular boundary…


                  26 May 2020 03:08 AM IST

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                  Showing 1 of 34 projects