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Project 2

Aim To compute flood levels of a river in our area. Tools Used HEC RAS DEM of the river. Google Chrome (or any other Browser) Excel Sheet Autocad Google Earth Pro  Introduction Bridge is a passage of transportation (for people or vehicles) over a large body of water or physical obstruction. A culvert is generally…

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Read more Projects by Jija G S (2)

Project 2


Aim To compute flood levels of a river in our area. Tools Used HEC RAS DEM of the river. Google Chrome (or any other Browser) Excel Sheet Autocad Google Earth Pro  Introduction Bridge is a passage of transportation (for people or vehicles) over a large body of water or physical obstruction. A culvert is generally…


14 Jan 2022 02:21 PM IST

  • Catchment
  • DEM
  • GIS
  • HTML
  • QGIS
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Project 1


Aim To use toposheet for catchment area calculations. To calculate flow for selected river using UH Method To analyse and observe differnt run profiles and steady flow analysis Software Required Microsoft Excel HEC-RAS Autocad Google Chrome (Or any other browser) Google Earth Pro Procedure Select a river. Here I choose…


02 Jan 2022 12:51 PM IST

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Showing 1 of 2 projects