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Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data

Parsing NASA thermodynamic data Aim: To write a code in Matlab to parse the NASA thermodynamic data file and then calculate the thermodynamic properties of various gas species. Objective : 1. To write a function that extracts the 14 coefficients and calculates the enthalpy, entropy, and specific heats for all the…

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Week 10 - Simulating Combustion of Natural Gas.


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    Project 1 : CFD Meshing for Tesla Cyber Truck


    Aim: To check and solve all the geometrical errors, assign relevant PIDs, and perform surface mesh on the cyber truck geometry as well as the wind tunnel surfaces. Objective : To Identifying & cleanup all the topological errors in the given Tesla Cyber Truck Car model. To create a surface mesh. To Create…


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    Week 6 - CHT Analysis on a Graphics card


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      Week 4 - CHT Analysis on Exhaust port


                                                                EXHAUST PORT SIMULATION Aim ; To analyse Conjugate Heat Tranfer through an Exhaust Manifold Inroduction ; The term conjugate heat transfer (CHT) is used to describe processes which involve variations of temperature within solids and fluids. The exchange of thermal…


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        Week 3 - External flow simulation over an Ahmed body.


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        Week 2 - Flow over a Cylinder.


        Aim: To Simulate the flow over a cylinder and explain the phenomenon of Karman vortex street.   Objective: 1.To Calculate the coefficient of drag and lift over a cylinder by setting the Reynolds number to 10,100,1000,10000 & 100000. (Run with steady solver) 2.Simulate the flow with the steady and unsteady…


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            Week 2 Challenge : Surface meshing on a Pressure valve


            Objective : The objective of this project is to create a Surface meshing on a Pressure valve with element type of tria and mesh the model with three different target lengths i.e., 1mm, 3 mm and 5 mm  by using ANSA. Introduction : ANSA :  ANSA is a Computer-aided engineering tool…


            24 Aug 2022 02:49 AM IST

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            Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


            Parsing NASA thermodynamic data Aim: To write a code in Matlab to parse the NASA thermodynamic data file and then calculate the thermodynamic properties of various gas species. Objective : 1. To write a function that extracts the 14 coefficients and calculates the enthalpy, entropy, and specific heats for all the…


            15 Aug 2022 02:08 AM IST

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            Week 4.1 - Genetic Algorithm


            AIM : To study about Genetic Algorithm and to calculate the global maxima of stalagmite function using Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB. OBJECTIVE : To study about Genetic Algorithm and Stalagmite function. To write a code in Matlab to optimise the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function. To plot graphs…


            08 Aug 2022 02:08 AM IST

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            Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


            SIMPLE PENDULUM AIM: To create an animation of simple pendulum by using second order differential equation by using ode solver function. For simulation the second order equation of the simple pendulum is: To create a plot between angular velocity and displacement of simple pendulum by using ode45. CONCEPT: For a simple…


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            Week 2- 2R Robotic Arm Challenge


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