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Single cylinder SI engine modelling using GT-Suite

                                                             Introduction to GT Suite Effective utilization of simulation software with human intelligence is required…

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Quater car modelling using Matlab


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    Single cylinder SI engine modelling using GT-Suite


                                                                 Introduction to GT Suite Effective utilization of simulation software with human intelligence is required…


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    internship formulas


    `(delomega_x)/(delt) = [(2*a^2)/(a^2+c^2)-(2*a^2)/(a^2+b^2)]*omega_z*omega_y+P_osin(t)*(2*a^2)/(a^2+b^2)*omega_Z+(2*a^2)/(a^2+c^2)*omega_y+P_osin(t)+ L*tau_x`   `(delomega_y)/(delt) = [(2*b^2)/(a^2+b^2)-(2*b^2)/(b^2+c^2)]*omega_x*omega_z+P_ocos(t)*(2*b^2)/(a^2+b^2)*omega_Z-(2*b^2)/(b^2+c^2)*omega_x+P_ocos(t)+ L*tau_y`…


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        Pacjeka combined slip


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          Model Based Design/Development of Tilt and Telescopic Steering Column ADAS feature and Perform MIL and SIL testing using Matlab-Simulink


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          Lid Driven Cavity Flow using SIMPLE Algorithm and Artificial Compressibility method in MATLAB (Steady Flow)


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          Matrix Based Implicit Solution of Steady Diffusion Equation


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            Solving Unsteady Navier stokes equations using Artificial compressibility method


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              24 May 2021 05:23 PM IST

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                2D Convention Diffusion Equation using MATLAB


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                24 May 2021 05:20 PM IST

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                  2D diffusion equation using matlab


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                  23 May 2021 12:48 PM IST

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                    1D diffusion equation using Matlab


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                      Taylor series forward, backward and central difference using MATLAB


                          The Taylor series can be used to calculate the value of an entire function at every point, if the value of the function, and of all of its derivatives, are known at a single point.   clear all close all clc % Defining the function poly_p = [3 5 7]; % Derivating the function theoritically…


                      21 May 2021 09:44 AM IST

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                        Introduction to LS - Dyna


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                        12 Apr 2021 09:08 PM IST

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                        Week-4 : Basic Calibration of Single cylinder CI-Engine


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                        12 Mar 2021 03:02 PM IST

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                          Week 1 Spur Gear Challenge


                          Objective: Static Analysis of Spur Gear using ductile material to identify stress, strain and contact pressure using Ansys. Case Setup and Execution: CAD Model of spur gear is obtained from the open source.  Material is assigned as cast iron from library and Cast steel and bronze- cast which are manually defined from…


                          02 Mar 2021 07:28 AM IST

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                            Week 1 Stress Concentration on a Plate with hole


                            Objective: Static Analysis of plate with holes to identify stress and displacements using Ansys. Case Setup and Execution: CAD Model of spur gear is obtained from the open source.  Material is assigned as structural steel. Automatic mesh with element size 6.5mm is defined to create the fine mesh. Total elements obtained…


                            28 Feb 2021 08:01 PM IST

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                              External Aerodynamic analysis of NACA Airfoil 0012 using STAR-CCM+


                              Introduction:  The main reason for the Aerodynamic analysis is to determine the drag coefficient of the vehicle which affects fuel consumption, predict low and high-pressure areas, separation points and downforce which affects Vehicle dynamics. Airfoils were found in Air crafts, helicopters, racecars,  propellers,…


                              17 Feb 2021 02:15 AM IST

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                              Static ride analysis of flexible lower control arm on SLA Suspension to compute stress,strain and displacement using Altair Hyper works MotionView/MotionSolve and OptiStruct.


                                  Published _Journal_on_Flexible_Body_Simulation   Introduction to Flexible bodies. It is a well-known fact that FEA models contain a higher number of degrees of freedom. Hence it is difficult for the MBD solvers to handle these models.…


                              17 Feb 2021 01:42 AM IST

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                              Vehicle handling and Modelling of 2 DOF bicycle model


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                              08 Feb 2021 03:30 AM IST

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                                Msc Adams car for Vehicle Dynamics - Suspension Analysis .


                                                                                  Data Hierarchy  in Msc Adams Car   MSc Adams Car provides a large variety of subsystems, templates and assemblies. Group of templates becomes…


                                23 Jan 2021 11:09 PM IST

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                                Exploring GUI of GT-Suite and to determine the pressure drop across Charge air cooler in an Intercooler


                                1. Explore the GUI of GT SUITE and list down modules available with a brief description.  GT SUITE is a 1D simulation tool developed by Gamma technologies. GT-SUITE is the industry-leading simulation tool with capabilities and libraries aimed at a wide variety of applications and industries It offers engineers…


                                16 Aug 2020 11:26 PM IST

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                                Longitudinal and Lateral brush tyre model using Matlab


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                                13 Aug 2020 09:45 PM IST

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                                  Combined brush Tyre (Longitudinal and Lateral) model using Matlab


                                                                                     Combined Slip Condition   So far, in the longitudinal brush tyre model and lateral brush tyre model, the longitudinal and lateral slip…


                                  06 Jun 2020 10:53 AM IST

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                                    Introduction to Matlab - ADAS


                                                                                            Introduction to Matlab Matlab is a high-level programming language and is widely used software in Automotive Embedded software…


                                    23 May 2020 12:06 AM IST

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                                      Finite Element Analysis of a bicycle crank using Ansys software



                                      28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                        Otto cycle Engine Kinematics Using Python


                                        Aim:  The main aim of this project is to write a Python program for Engine parameters of an Otto cycle engine whose variables like Inlet temperature(T1), pressure(p1) and temperature(T3) at the end of expansion are defined and other parameters are computed with respective formulas. The Engine design parameters like…


                                        28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                          Introduction to Multi body dynamics


                                                                                  Multi-Body Dynamics (MBD/MBS)    Definition: Multibody Dynamics(MBD) or Multibody systems (MBS) simulation is the study of the motion of mechanical systems caused by external…


                                          28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                          Otto Cycle Engine Kinematics using Matlab


                                          Aim: The main aim of this project is to write a Matlab program for Engine parameters of an Otto cycle engine whose variables like Inlet temperature(T1), pressure(p1) and temperature(T3) at the end of expansion are defined and other parameters are computed with respective formulas. The Engine design parameters like bore,…


                                          28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                            MBD Modelling of CAM-Follower mechanism using Curve to Curve Joint in Altair HyperWorks MotionView MotionSolve


                                            Introduction: Cam Mechanism The transformation of one of the simple motions, such as rotation, into any other motions, is often conveniently accomplished by means of a cam mechanism. A cam mechanism usually consists of two moving elements, the cam and the follower, mounted on a fixed frame. Cam devices are versatile,…


                                            28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                              MBD simulation of 3D contact modelling of a Ball Bearing using Altair Hyperworks MotionView / MotionSolve


                                              Introduction: Contact Forces in MotionSolve MotionSolve contains a very sophisticated contact modelling capability that can handle complex contact scenarios between rigid bodies. Creating contact is rather simple: The user can identify geometries on one body that can contact a different set of geometries on a second body.…


                                              28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                Data File parsing Using Python


                                                """ Demaonstrating file parsing in Python """ #import modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Basic initialization line_count = 1 crank = [] pressure = [] temperature = [] volume = [] # File parsing starts here for line in open('engine_data.out'): if '#' not in line: crank.append(float(line.split()[0])) pressure.append(float(line.split()[1]))…


                                                28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                  Pacjeka magic formula for curve fitting and combined slip correction using Matlab


                                                                                          Pacjeka Magic Tyre model   Pacjeka Magic Tyre model was developed by Prof.Hans Bastiaan Pacejka and it is widely used to represent empirically and interpolate previously measured…


                                                  28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                    Automotive Trunk Lid Mechanism with Modified BISTOP Function and Motion Curve


                                                    Introduction: Mechanism and Machine: A mechanism is a constrained kinematic chain. This means that the motion of any one link in the kinematic chain will give a definite and predictable motion relative to each of the others. Usually, one of the links of the kinematic chain is fixed in a mechanism. Whereas a  machine is…


                                                    28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                      Academic Certificates




                                                      28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                        Solving Second order differential equations using Python


                                                        import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math # function that returns dz/dt def model(theta,t,b,g,l,m): theta1 = theta[0] theta2 = theta[1] dtheta1_dt = theta2 dtheta2_dt = -(b/m)*theta2 - (g/l)*math.sin(theta1) dtheta_dt = [dtheta1_dt, dtheta2_dt] return dtheta_dt b…


                                                        28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                          Solidworks project files




                                                          28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                            Curve fitting using Python


                                                            import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit #curve fit function def func(t, a, b, c): return a*pow(t,2) + b*t + c # Reading thermodynamic data file def read_file(): temperature = [] cp = [] for line in open('data', 'r'): values = line.split(',') temperature.append(float(values[0]))…


                                                            28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                              Surface repair using Star CCM+




                                                              28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                                Road roughness calculation using PSD in MATLAB




                                                                28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                                  Bounce pitch model


                                                                                                                                                        Bounce Pitch Model…


                                                                  28 Oct 2019 11:25 AM IST

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                                                                    Showing 1 of 43 projects