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3D Creation of Celing, Roof, Architectural plan, Structural plan, Sectional view, Elevation view and Camera specific view for a house plan using REVIT

 3D Creation of Celing, Roof, Architectural plan, Structural plan, Sectional view, Elevation view and Camera specific view for a                                                     …

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Read more Projects by Punitharanganathan M (55)

To Generate report for Steel Industrial and RC structures using TSD


1.) Generate report for the steel building design from challenges 1 – 6 along with the loading summary AIM :      To Generate report for the steel building design from challenges 1 – 6 along with the loading summary   INTRODUCTION :  Open the model. If needed, number the model. ...…


27 Jun 2022 04:15 AM IST

  • BIM
  • Tekla Structural Designer
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To Design slab and foundation for an RC residential building using TSD


1.) Design the slab and foundation of the model. Outline the thought process for designing of the elements (column, beam, slab and foundations) AIM :    To Design the slab and foundation of the model. Outline the thought process for designing of the elements (column, beam, slab and foundations)   INTRODUCTION…


27 Jun 2022 03:44 AM IST

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Project 2_Analyze and Design the RC office building as per IS standard code in TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER


Analyze and Design the RC office building as per IS standard code in TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER AIM :     To Analyze and Design the RC office building as per IS standard code in TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER   INTRODUCTION :  Reinforced concrete (RC), also called reinforced cement concrete (RCC)…


26 Jun 2022 06:19 PM IST

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To Design RC column and beam for RC residential structure using TSD


1.) Based on the analysis design RC column and beam. AIM :    To Based on the analysis design RC column and beam.   INTRODUCTION :  An ordinary reinforced concrete beam or the column itself is an inhomogeneous section composed of concrete and reinforcement, whose behavior is totally different.…


23 Jun 2022 05:18 PM IST

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To Generate seismic loading based on IS code and to run the analysis using TSD


1.) Generate seismic loading based IS codal provisions and zone II. Any other data you can assume and input accordingly AIM :      To Generate seismic loading based IS codal provisions and zone II. Any other data you can assume and input accordingly INTRODUCTION :  Vertical Seismic Load Effect…


23 Jun 2022 04:43 AM IST

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    To calculate the dead , live and wind load for RC residential structure and to apply them using TSD


    1.) Calculate dead load in design report based on IS code and apply dead load on the model Finishes of 50mm Slab thickness as per the design Brick wall load Roofing load   AIM :    To Calculate dead load in design report based on IS code and apply dead load on the model   INTRODUCTION :  Dead…


    21 Jun 2022 04:15 AM IST

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      To Model a RC residential structure using TSD


      1. Setup model for RC building design and based on following parameters for cover MEMBERS IN CONTACT WITH GROUND  ABOVE GROUND Column 50mm  40mm Beam 30mm  25mm Slab 30mm  25mm Pilecap 75mm   Foundation 50mm   AIM :    To Setup model for RC building design and based on following…


      19 Jun 2022 05:00 PM IST

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        Project 1_Analyze and design a steel building to 10T CRANE as per IS standard code using TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER.


        Analyze and design a steel building to 10T CRANE as per IS standard code in TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER. Refer the attached plan and elevation. Provide bracings and moment connection for lateral stability.  Consider dead, live, equipment and wind loading. Consider the brick wall loading for 150mm thick and 1.5 KN per…


        17 Jun 2022 03:55 AM IST

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        To Analysis and Design of Steel Structures using TSD


        1.) Summarize your study for the bending moment, shear force and deflection diagrams for the elements of the model AIM :      To Summarize your study for the bending moment, shear force and deflection diagrams for the elements of the model   INTRODUCTION :  Shear Forces occurs when two…


        14 Jun 2022 02:24 PM IST

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          To calculate wind load for industrial steel structures and to apply it by using TSD


          1.) Generate manual wind loading in the design report based IS code as per the following input  Basic wind speed = 39m/s Terrain category 2   AIM :      To Generate manual wind loading in the design report based IS code as per the following input INTRODUCTION :  Wind loading is one of…


          09 Jun 2022 03:50 AM IST

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            To calculate dead and live load for industrial steel structures and to apply them using TSD


            1.) Calculate dead load in design report based on IS code and apply dead load on the model Finishes of 50mm Slab as per design Brickwall 150mm thickness Roofing load based on purlin size Ceiling loading 0f 0.3KN per sq m  AIM :       To Calculate dead load in design report based on IS code…


            05 May 2022 03:36 PM IST

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              To model beams and bracings for industrial steel structures using TSD


              1. Create beam properties for First floor and model the beams AIM :     To Create beam properties for First floor and model the beams   INTRODUCTION :      Structural steel beams are iconic to modern architecture. Not only do they look great, but steel’s strength makes…


              02 May 2022 04:40 AM IST

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                To model columns for industrial steel structure using TSD


                1.) Create column properties for different types of pedestal members and model in the grids created as per the assignment 1    AIM :     To Create column properties for different types of pedestal members and model in the grids created as per the assignment 1   INTRODUCTION :  All…


                23 Apr 2022 09:55 AM IST

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                  To plan a structural layout and to create grids using TSD


                  1. Summarize the user interface in TSD with the for the following items: - Project Workspace – How to access and usage  Scene Content – Demonstrate the use of scene content Create two scene views Loading drop list- How to access Properties windows – how to access and usage    AIM : …


                  22 Apr 2022 03:59 PM IST

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                  Project 2_Design & Analysis of a Hostel building at Guwahati, Assam


                  In this project, participants will get to experience the entire design process from modelling, analysis, design, and preparation of construction drawings. The architectural drawings of a G+3 RCC building is provided. The following information on the building is to be used: Location – Guwahati, Assam Function –…


                  19 Apr 2022 06:45 AM IST

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                    Foundation Design using SAFE


                    1.) Model the isolated footing provided in week 11 challenge on SAFE. Analyze and design it to verify the size, depth and steel provided as per calculations. AIM :     To Model the isolated footing provided in week 11 challenge on SAFE. Analyze and design it to verify the size, depth and steel provided…


                    19 Apr 2022 06:14 AM IST

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                      Structural Modelling using Etabs 2018


                        The architectural drawings for a G+7 residential building in zone 5 has been provided. The floor plan is the same for all 7 floor levels. Possible column positions have also been provided. Conceptualize a framing plan layout and then model the building in Etabs. The following architectural drawings have been provided:…


                      14 Apr 2022 06:17 AM IST

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                      Design of Shallow Foundation (Isolated Footings)


                      Design a square footing for a column size of 400x400. The compression axial load for the load combination of (1.5 DL + 1.5 LL) is 2000 KN. The safe soil bearing capacity is 150 KN/m2 at a depth of 2 metres below E.G.L. Participants are free to go for either a tapered or stepped footing. Besides the total axial load, also…


                      13 Apr 2022 09:31 AM IST

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                        Analysis & Design of RCC shear walls in the model using ETABS


                        The etabs file for a G+6 building is provided. Run the analysis and design the RCC shear walls (show in the etabs model). The following challenge deals specifically with the shear wall of size 300x1500 at grid A-11 in the structural model. Extract values of longitudinal steel ratio, boundary element length and shear reinforcing…


                        11 Apr 2022 03:26 AM IST

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                          Reinforcement detailing of Columns from ETABS output


                          QUESTION : Reinforcement detailing of columns in Etabs 2018. The ETABS file for a G+4 building is provided. Run the analysis and design the RCC Moment Resisting Frame. The following challenge deals specifically with two columns at the following grid intersections. 3A 3B Provide details of longitudinal reinforcement for…


                          06 Apr 2022 03:50 AM IST

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                          Reinforcement Detailing of Beams from ETABS output


                          The ETABS file for a G+4 building is provided. Run the analysis and design the RCC Moment ResistingFrame. The following challenge deals specifically with two continuous beams in the 1st floor.         1) 3 span continuous beam along grid A        2) 7 span continuous beam along grid…


                          04 Apr 2022 03:27 AM IST

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                          Project 1_Comparative study of different storey buildings for Seismic forces


                          AIM :       To Comparative study of different storey buildings for Seismic forces   INTRODUCTION :      Introduction:-      The emergence of technology gives rise to newer challenges. The new challenges are the result of human desire for achieving more and…


                          31 Mar 2022 06:24 AM IST

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                          Modelling of 25 storey building with the specified properties using ETABS


                          AIM :         To Model a 25 storey building on ETABS with structural properties as specified below. Ground floor or plinth floor level can be taken at a height of 1.5 metres from the base. Each of the successive 25 storeys has a storey height of 3 metres. INTRODUCTION :  ETABS is an engineering…


                          26 Mar 2022 11:08 AM IST

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                          Conceptual design of a building with columns and shear walls


                          Question 1:  The building shown, 20 × 35 m in plan, has columns on a 5 × 5 m grid and shear walls (with dimensions shown in m, 250 mm in thickness) in three alternative arrangements, (a), (b), (c), all with the same total cross-sectional area of the shear walls. Compare the three alternatives, taking into…


                          22 Mar 2022 04:51 AM IST

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                            Concept on positioning of Columns


                            Question 1:  Comment on the layout of the framing plan concerning earthquake resistance in the two horizontal directions X or Y (dots are columns, lines depict beams). Look into aspects of symmetry, redundancy and bi-directional stiffness and ductility. ANSWER :  Investigation of the framing plan with respect…


                            21 Mar 2022 04:40 AM IST

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                              Understanding the concepts on Degrees of Freedom


                              Question 1:  A five storey structure with 5 translational DOF is shown here. Each storey has mass ‘m’. The eigenvalue problem has been solved and the 5 periods of vibration Tn and their corresponding mode shapes, φn has been derived.               …


                              20 Mar 2022 07:23 AM IST

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                                Calculation of Stiffness in Structural elements


                                Question 1: Compute lateral stiffness of the one story frame with an intermediate realistic stiffness of the beam. The system has 3 DOFs as shown. Assume L = 2h and Elb = Elc   ANSWER :        To calculate the lateral stiffness of the one story frame with an intermediate realistic stiffness…


                                19 Mar 2022 05:39 PM IST

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                                  Identification of Cracks


                                  Question 1:  a)    Observations: Concrete crushed and the reinforcement is exposed. Concrete spalled beyond the reinforcement which may be a sign of rupture. Beam top portion looks safe because of the flange advantage from slab. The crack develops from bottom to top means rebar yielding occurs in support…


                                  18 Mar 2022 01:15 PM IST

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                                    Usage of Navigation tool , Timeliner and Clash Detection test using Naviswork


                                      1) Use the Architecture/ Structure Project file developed by you in Week 6 to 8. Export the Revit architecture and structure model to Navisworks Cache file following the export settings discussed in class AIM :        To Use the Architecture/ Structure Project file developed by you in Week…


                                    11 Mar 2022 02:18 PM IST

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                                      Creating Conceptual mass in REVIT and Creation of Sinusoidal curve and a Parametric stadium using Dynamo


                                      1) Using Dynamo create a set of sinusoidal points and create a curve and create a surface out of the curve. AIM :       To Using Dynamo create a set of sinusoidal points and create a curve and create a surface out of the curve. INTRODUCTION :  Using Dynamo, you can work with enhanced BIM capabilities…


                                      11 Mar 2022 10:23 AM IST

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                                      Preparing Schedule & Cost Estimation for a building using REVIT


                                      1) Use the shortcut keys in Revit discussed in class to complete the following tasks and list them below AIM :          To Use the shortcut keys in Revit discussed in class to complete the following tasks and list them below INTRODUCTION :          Shortcut keys help…


                                      09 Mar 2022 04:06 AM IST

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                                        Structural analysis of a buidling using Robot Structural Analysis


                                        1) What are HVAC systems? Why are they essential in the modeling of buildings HVAC :  Defined: HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. HVAC refers to the different systems used for moving air between indoor and outdoor areas, along with heating and cooling both residential and…


                                        07 Mar 2022 11:54 AM IST

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                                        Creating Architectural and Structural model with 3D rendering using REVIT


                                        1) Select the type of structure you want to build from one of the three below:        a. Multi-Unit Residential Apartment        b. Office Buildings        c. School    RESULT :       I have choose the office building for create the…


                                        05 Mar 2022 08:11 AM IST

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                                        Usage of Collaborate tool in REVIT


                                        1) Open an architectural template. Using the Manage tab set project base point and project shared coordinates for the project AIM :        To  Using the Manage tab set project base point and project shared coordinates for the project INTRODUCTION :   A project template provides a starting…


                                        02 Mar 2022 06:18 PM IST

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                                          Introduction to National Building Code and Steps in a Construction project


                                                                        Introduction to National Building Code and Steps in a Construction project    1) Why are building codes or standards essential for the modeling/ efficiency of drawings in Revit ? Building codes are a…


                                          01 Mar 2022 05:32 AM IST

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                                          3D Creation of Celing, Roof, Architectural plan, Structural plan, Sectional view, Elevation view and Camera specific view for a house plan using REVIT


                                           3D Creation of Celing, Roof, Architectural plan, Structural plan, Sectional view, Elevation view and Camera specific view for a                                                     …


                                          28 Feb 2022 04:53 PM IST

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                                          Creating Walls, Partition walls and Floors for a residential layout using REVIT


                                                                      Creating Walls, Partition walls and Floors for a residential layout using REVIT   1) Use the project file created from Week 2. Use it for this assignment. Based on your layout from week 2, using floor tool under…


                                          27 Feb 2022 10:20 AM IST

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                                          Creating Levels, Grids, Layout and model elements for a residential unit using REVIT


                                                                            Creating Levels, Grids, Layout and model elements for a residential unit using REVIT  AIM :           TO Creating Levels, Grids, Layout and model elements for a…


                                          26 Feb 2022 04:42 PM IST

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                                          Introduction to REVIT concepts


                                                                                                       Introduction to REVIT concepts AIM :            To study about the concept…


                                          26 Feb 2022 09:12 AM IST

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                                          Project 2_Creating a 3D rendered model for a Residential Building in AutoCad


                                                                             Project 2_Creating a 3D rendered model for a Residential Building in AutoCad   AIM :            To Creating a 3D rendered model for a Residential Building…


                                          25 Feb 2022 06:36 AM IST

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                                            Creating 3D Isometric view of various structural elements in AutoCAD


                                                                    Creating 3D Isometric view of various structural elements in AutoCAD   AIM :            To Creating 3D Isometric view of various structural elements in AutoCAD.   INTRODUCTION :  Isometric…


                                            24 Feb 2022 05:17 PM IST

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                                              Creating various 3D Models like Furniture, Footing, Girder, Column drop with panel and Gable Wall in AutoCad


                                                Creating various 3D Models like Furniture, Footing, Girder, Column drop with panel and Gable Wall in AutoCad   AIM :            To Creating various 3D Models like Furniture, Footing, Girder, Column drop with panel and Gable Wall in AutoCad.   INTRODUCTION :  An isometric…


                                              23 Feb 2022 03:17 PM IST

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                                                Creation of Multiple viewports, Scaling the drawing and setting in Template in AutoCad


                                                               Creation of Multiple viewports, Scaling the drawing and setting in Template in AutoCad   AIM :            TO Creation of Multiple viewports, Scaling the drawing and setting in Template in AutoCad.   INTRODUCTION :  Viewports…


                                                23 Feb 2022 01:51 PM IST

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                                                  Creating Kitchen layout, Hatching of Architectural elements and sectional view of an Industrial Building in AutoCad


                                                  Creating Kitchen layout,Hatching of Architectural elements and sectional view of an Industrial Building in AutoCad   AIM :           TO Creating Kitchen layout, Hatching of Architectural elements and sectional view of an Industrial Building in AutoCad.   INTRODUCTION :  The…


                                                  21 Feb 2022 04:38 AM IST

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                                                    Creating Bar Bending schedule, Different Door types, and Creation of standard drawing templates using AutoCad


                                                               Creating Bar Bending schedule, Different Door types, and Creation of standard drawing templates using AutoCad   AIM :        To create Creating Bar Bending schedule, Different Door types, and Creation of standard drawing templates using AutoCad…


                                                    20 Feb 2022 09:40 AM IST

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                                                      Project 1 _Creating an Architectural plan for the provided plot size and develop relevant basic structural drawings


                                                                           Creating an Architectural plan for the provided plot size and develop relevant basic structural drawings   AIM :               To draft and Creating an Architectural plan for the provided plot size and…


                                                      17 Feb 2022 02:10 PM IST

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                                                        Creating a Layout, Section and Elevation with dimensions using AutoCad


                                                                                                  Creating a Layout, Section and Elevation with dimensions using AutoCad AIM :            To draft Creating a Layout, Section and Elevation…


                                                        14 Feb 2022 11:04 AM IST

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                                                          Creating a Wardrobe detailed drawing, Floor Plan, Kitchen Layout and Column Detail using AutoCad


                                                                                    Creating a Wardrobe detailed drawing, Floor Plan, Kitchen Layout and Column Detail using AutoCad   AIM :           To draft Creating a Wardrobe detailed drawing, Floor Plan, Kitchen Layout…


                                                          10 Feb 2022 06:53 PM IST

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                                                            Creation of Column Schedule and Drawing Template using AutoCad


                                                                                                       Creation of Column Schedule and Drawing Template using AutoCad   AIM :            To determine the creation of column schedule and drawing…


                                                            09 Feb 2022 06:27 PM IST

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                                                              Creating a Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad


                                                                                        Creating a Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad   AIM :           To draft the Creating Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad.…


                                                              08 Feb 2022 06:10 PM IST

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                                                                Drafting of various geometries using Chamfer, Fillet tool in AutoCad


                                                                                                      Drafting of various geometries using Chamfer, Fillet tool in AutoCad    AIM :            To determine the drafting of various geometric using chamfer,fillet…


                                                                07 Feb 2022 04:32 PM IST

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                                                                  Creating a Floor plan, Footing detail and Isometric view using AutoCad


                                                                                                     Creating a Floor plan, Footing detail and Isometric view using AutoCad   AIM :              To Creating a Floor plan, Footing detail and Isometric view…


                                                                  06 Feb 2022 06:01 AM IST

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                                                                    Creation of geometries by Coordinate system methods using AutoCad


                                                                                                    Creation of geometries by Coordinate system methods using AutoCad  AIM :              To draw a different geometric shape by coordinate system methods using AutoCad.…


                                                                    03 Feb 2022 10:33 AM IST

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                                                                      Sketch a G+1 residential plan according to Vaastu Shastra and Calculation of Loads as per IS code


                                                                                        Project on G+1 residential plan according to Vaastu Shastra and Calculation of Loads as per IS code   AIM :       To sketch a plan on G+1 residential plan according to Vaastu Shastra and and listing down the name of the Calculation …


                                                                      30 Jan 2022 12:27 PM IST

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                                                                        Project on Concrete Mix Design for various grades of Concrete


                                                                                                              Project on Concrete Mix Design for various grades of Concrete      AIM :                        To determine the…


                                                                        22 Jan 2022 06:41 AM IST

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                                                                        Showing 1 of 55 projects