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Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool

Introduction to HEV using MATLAB & Simulink Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool   AIM: To simulate the given data and conditions for an EV using Advisor Tool in MATLAB. About ADVISOR ADVISOR, NREL’s Advanced Vehicle Simulator, is a set of model, data, and script text files for use with MATLAB and Simulink. It…

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Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool


Introduction to HEV using MATLAB & Simulink Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool   AIM: To simulate the given data and conditions for an EV using Advisor Tool in MATLAB. About ADVISOR ADVISOR, NREL’s Advanced Vehicle Simulator, is a set of model, data, and script text files for use with MATLAB and Simulink. It…


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Project -BAJA All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) model


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    Week - 4


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    Week -2


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      Forces Acting on a Vehicle


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        Rankine Cycle Simulator


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        Parsing NASA Thermodynamic Data


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        Genetic Algorithm


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        Curve fitting


        1.AIM: To perform a curve fitting for the given dataset and to find the best fit and perfect fit for that particular dataset using MATLAB. 2.OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: Write code to fit a linear and cubic polynomial for the Cp data.  Plot the linear and cubic fit curves along with the raw data points. Title and axes…


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        Air Standard Cycle


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