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Project - Data Handling and Interpolation

Project : In a laboratory experiment, data of voltage and current has been recorded and the same is attached in an excel file ( Click on this link VI.xlsx ). Read the excel file in the Matlab program and perform the interpolation in the range of -17.3:0.1:0.9. Generate the interactive plot for the interpolated…

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    Read more Projects by MOHAMMAD FAYAZ (1)

    Project - Data Handling and Interpolation


    Project : In a laboratory experiment, data of voltage and current has been recorded and the same is attached in an excel file ( Click on this link VI.xlsx ). Read the excel file in the Matlab program and perform the interpolation in the range of -17.3:0.1:0.9. Generate the interactive plot for the interpolated…


    22 Nov 2022 07:33 AM IST

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