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Aim: To generate the report for hypermesh file Objective: To create an ergonomic and visually appealing excel (.xlsm) report that contains following information about your model: User name, date, time Profile/deck; count of component, prop, material, elements Count of empty comp/prop/mats Elements…
Akash M
updated on 20 Dec 2021
To generate the report for hypermesh file
To create an ergonomic and visually appealing excel (.xlsm) report that contains following information about your model:
set filechannelid [open output.csv w]
puts $filechannelid "Username,$env(USERNAME)"
set systemTime [clock seconds]
puts $filechannelid "Time,[clock format $systemTime -format %H:%M:%S]"
puts $filechannelid "Date,[clock format $systemTime -format %D]"
# Profile/deck
set profile [hm_info templatetype]
puts $filechannelid "Profile,$profile"
# Components
*createmark components 1 "all"
set comp [hm_getmark components 1]
set no_of_comp [llength $comp]
puts $filechannelid "Total number of components,$no_of_comp"
*createmark elements 1 "all"
set elem [hm_getmark elements 1]
set no_of_elems [llength $elem]
puts $filechannelid "Total number of elements,$no_of_elems"
*createmark properties 1 "all"
set prop [hm_getmark properties 1]
set no_of_prop [llength $prop]
puts $filechannelid "Total number of properties,$no_of_prop"
*createmark materials 1 "all"
set mat [hm_getmark materials 1]
set no_of_mat [llength $mat]
puts $filechannelid "Total number of materials,$no_of_mat"
*createmark elements 1
# Unused and Empty
*EntityPreviewEmpty comps 1
set empty_comp [hm_marklength comps 1]
puts $filechannelid "No.of.empty components,$empty_comp"
*EntityPreviewUnused properties 1
set unused_prop [hm_marklength properties 1]
puts $filechannelid "No.of.unused properties,$unused_prop"
*EntityPreviewUnused materials 1
set unused_mat [hm_marklength materials 1]
puts $filechannelid "No.of.unused materials,$unused_mat"
puts $filechannelid "Quality Criteria,Failed Elements"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestlength elements 1 2 2 1 2 0 " 2D Min Length "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_minl [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Minimum Length,$n_minl"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestlength elements 1 8 2 0 2 0 " 2D Min Length "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_maxl [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Maximum Length,$n_maxl"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestaspect elements 1 5 2 2 0 " 2D Aspect Ratio "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_asp [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Aspect Ratio,$n_asp"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestskew elements 1 45 2 2 0 " 2D Skew "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_skew [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Minimum Length,$n_skew"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestwarpage elements 1 10 2 2 0 " 2D Warpage "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_war [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Warpage,$n_war"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestjacobian elements 1 0.7 2 2 0 " 2D Jacobian "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_jac [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Jacobian,$n_jac"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestinterangle elements 1 45 0 2 1 2 0 " 2D Quad Min Angle "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_min_qa [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid " Minimum Quad Angle,$n_min_qa"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestinterangle elements 1 135 0 2 0 2 0 " 2D Quad Max Angle "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_max_qa [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Maximum Quad Angle,$n_max_qa"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestinterangle elements 1 20 1 2 1 2 0 " 2D Tria Min Angle "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_min_ta [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Minimum Tria Angle,$n_min_ta"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtestinterangle elements 1 120 1 2 0 2 0 " 2D Tria Max Angle "
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskreverse elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set n_max_ta [hm_marklength elements 1]
puts $filechannelid "Maximum Tria Angle,$n_max_ta"
puts $filechannelid "Component_id,Component_name,Thickness,Property,Material"
*clearmarkall 1
*createmark components 1 "all"
set compid [hm_getmark components 1]
foreach info $compid {
*createmark elements 1 1 "by collector id" $info
set comp_name [hm_entityinfo name components $info]
set thickness [hm_getthickness components $info]
set prop_name [hm_getvalue component id=$info]
set mat_name [hm_getvalue component id=$info]
puts $filechannelid "$info,$comp_name,$thickness,$prop_name,$mat_name"
close $filechannelid
Procedure and code explanation:
[open output.csv w] is used to open new .csv or .xlsm files. 'w' represents write mode since we generating the report.
$env(USERNAME) is used get the username of the system. puts $filechannelid is the command that actually prints all the given information in the file.
[clock seconds] command has been used to get the time and date. It updtaes date and time every time you run the code.
clock format $systemTime -format %H:%M:%S is the command used to get times in HH:MM:SS format, i.e. hours, minutes and seconds. clock format $systemTime -format %D is the command used to get date in DD:MM:YY format.
hm_info templatetype is used to get the profile/deck.
To get the component count, hm_getmark command is used and store those values in a variables. llength command is used tp get the total number of components. Then use this procedure to get the total number of properties, materials and elements.
*EntityPreviewEmpty command is used to get the empty component and *EntityPreviewUnused command is used to get unused properties and materials and hm_marklength command is used to get the number of empty components and unsed properties, materials.
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*elementtest(quality) entity_type mark_id value output_mark_id dimension contour " title" (change as per quality type)
*maskentitymark elements 2 0
*maskentitymark elements 2 0 elements
*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
set variable_name [hm_marklength elements 1]
*maskentitymark command is used to mask entities and *maskentitymark command is unsed reversing the masked entities and *unmaskall2 command is unmask all the entities.
*createmark elements 1 1 "by collector id" command is used to get all the components by its id.
hm_entityinfo name components $info command is used get the component names. $info is the variable name where all the components are stored.
hm_getthickness components $info command is used to the component thickness.
hm_getvalue component id=$info command is used to get the property names.
hm_getvalue component id=$info command is used to get the material names.
close $filechannelid is used to close the file.
Sucessfully generated the report for hypermesh file that contains username, date, time, no.of.components, properties, materials and properties, no.of,empty components. no.of.unused properties and materials, no.of.failed elements.
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