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1.AIM: Write a program that can solve an OTTO-Cycle and to make a plot of Pressure VS Volume during the Otto-cycle and also to calculate the thermal efficiency of the OTTO-Cycle. 2.GOVERNING EQUATIONS IF ANY: 3.OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: To solve the Otto-Cycle. Plot the P-V graph of the cycle. Calculate…
Amit Chilap
updated on 15 Feb 2021
%Write code that can solve an otto cycle and make plots for it.
%Here are the requirements
%Your code should create a PV diagram
%You should output the thermal efficiency of the engine.
%Given Data.
% P1=0.1MPa, T1=35 Degree Celcius, T3= 1100 Degree Celcius
% Bore=12cm, Stroke=10cm, Connecting Rod=15cm, Compression Ratio=9, Gamma=1.4
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%Given Data/Conditions
p1=0.1; %in MegaPascals %Pressure at Stage 1.
t1=308; %in kelvin %Temperature at Stage 1.
t3=1373; %in kelvin %Temperature at Stage 3.
bore = 0.12; %in m
stroke = 0.1; %in m
con_rod = 0.15; %in m
cr = 9;
%calculatig v1,v2,v3,v4
v_swept = (pi/4)*bore^2*stroke; %in m^3 %Swept Volume by piston.
v_clearance = v_swept/(cr-1); %in m^3 %&Clearance Volume.
v1 = v_swept + v_clearance; %in m^3 %Volume at Stage 1.
v2 = v_clearance; %in m^3 %Volume at Stage 2.
v3=v2; %in m^3 %Volume at Stage 3.
v4=v1; %in m^3 %Volume at Stage 4.
%Calculating State Variables at 2
p2=p1*(v1/v2)^gamma; %in MPa %Pressure at Stage 2.
t2=(p2*v2)/(p1*v1)*t1; %in kelvin %Temperature at Stage 2.
%Supplementary programs: Function(engine_kinematics) is created in the MatLab to calculate the instantaneous Volume.
%and by calling the function volume change is calculated from stage 1-2.
V_com=engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,180,0); %in m^3 %Volume change from stage 1-2.
P_com=p1*v1^gamma./V_com.^gamma; %in MPa %Pressure change from stage 1-2.
%Calculating State Variables at 3
p3 =p2*v2/t2*t3/v3; %in MPa %Pressure at Stage 3.
%Calculating State Variables at 4
p4=p3*(v3/v4)^gamma; %in MPa %Pressure at Stage 4.
t4=(p4*v4)/(p3*v3)*t3; %in kelvin %Temperature at Stage 4.
%Supplementary programs: Function(engine_kinematics) is created in the MatLab to calculate the instantaneous Volume.
%and by calling the function volume change is calculated from stage 3-4.
V_exp=engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,0,180); %in m^3 %Volume change from stage 3-4.
P_exp=p3*v3^gamma./V_exp.^gamma; %in MPa %Pressure change from stage 3-4.
efficiency=1-1/(cr)^(gamma-1); %Efficiency Of the Air-Standard_Cycle.
%Displaying the Conditions of Pressure, Volume and Temperature at each stage.
disp('Conditions at State 1')
disp(['P1=' num2str(p1) ' MPa ; V1=' num2str(v1) ' m^3 ; T1=' num2str(t1) ' k'])
disp(' ')
disp('Conditions at State 2')
disp(['P2=' num2str(p2) ' MPa ; V2=' num2str(v2) ' m^3 ; T2=' num2str(t2) ' k'])
disp(' ')
disp('Conditions at State 3')
disp(['P3=' num2str(p3) ' MPa ; V3=' num2str(v3) ' m^3 ; T3=' num2str(t3) ' k'])
disp(' ')
disp('Conditions at State 4')
disp(['P4=' num2str(p4) ' MPa ; V4=' num2str(v4) ' m^3 ; T4=' num2str(t4) ' k'])
disp(' ')
disp(['Efficiency=' num2str(efficiency*100) '%'])
%Ploting the Otto-Cycle.
hold on
plot(v1,p1,'*','color','r')%Ploting the Conditions of Pressure and Volume stage 1.
plot(v2,p2,'*','color','r')%Ploting the Conditions of Pressure and Volume stage 2.
plot(v3,p3,'*','color','r')%Ploting the Conditions of Pressure and Volume stage 3.
plot(v4,p4,'*','color','r')%Ploting the Conditions of Pressure and Volume stage 4.
plot(V_com,P_com,'linewidth',3,'color','r') %Ploting the Process change of Pressure and Volume from stage 1-2.
plot([v2,v3],[p2,p3],'linewidth',3,'color','g') %Ploting the Process change of Pressure and Volume from stage 2-3.
plot(V_exp,P_exp,'linewidth',3,'color','r') %Ploting the Process change of Pressure and Volume from stage 3-4.
plot([v4,v1],[p4,p1],'linewidth',3,'color','g') %Ploting the Process change of Pressure and Volume from stage 4-1.
xlabel('Volume in m^3') %Labeling the X-Axis.
ylabel('Pressure in MPa') %Labeling the Y-Axis.
%Supplementary programs:Function(engine_kinematics) is to calculate the instantaneous Volume.
function [V] = engine_kinematics(bore,stroke,con_rod,cr,crank_start,crank_end)
a=stroke/2; %Crank-Pin Radius.
v_s=(pi/4)*bore^2*stroke; %Swept Volume.
v_c= v_s/(cr-1); %Clearance Volume.
theta=linspace(crank_start,crank_end,100); %Range and no. of outputs to be calculated.
%Formula to calculate instantaneous Volume during movement of the piston.
% V/v_c=1+(cr-1)./2.*(1+R-cosd(theta)-(R^2-sind(theta).^2).^0.5)
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