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Discretization - Comparing the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first order derivative against the analytical or exact derivative.

Objective:- Write a program that compares the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first derivative against the analytical or exact derivative. 1. The function that you will compute if f(x) = sin(x)/x^3 2. You will compute the first derivative at x = pi/3 2a. You will compute the derivative both numerically…

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External Aerodynamics of a Mercedes Truck After Performing Surface Wrapping in STAR-CCM+


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16 Feb 2020 02:12 PM IST

  • CFD
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External flow Analysis of Ahmed body and Comparing the Numerical and Experimental data in STAR-CCM+.


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16 Feb 2020 01:45 PM IST

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External flow analysis of NACA 0012 airfoil for different values of angle of attack in STAR - CCM+


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29 Jan 2020 04:34 AM IST

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    Transient state analysis of Rayleigh Taylor instability in ANSYS FLUENT.


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    Combustion simulation on a combustor model and plot the variation of the mass fraction of the different species in ANSYS FLUENT.


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    Discrete phase modelling of air flow through a cyclone separator in ANSYS FLUENT.


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      Transient state analysis of Gearbox sloshing effect in ANSYS FLUENT.


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        Parametric study of fluid flow through a gate valve for five design points in ANSYS FLUENT


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          Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Analysis on a desktop graphics card using ANSYS FLUENT.


          Objective 1. Find out the maximum temperature attained by the processor. 2. Prove that the simulation has achieved convergence with appropriate images and plots. 3. Find out the heat transfer coefficient in appropriate areas of the model. 4. Identify potential hotspots on the model.     Conjugate Heat Transfer…


          17 Nov 2019 02:35 AM IST

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          Conjugate heat transfer (CHT) analysis on a model of exhaust manifold of four cylinder internal combustion engine using ANSYS FLUENT


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            28 Oct 2019 08:56 AM IST

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              Linear Convection - Solving 1D linear convection equation for different values of time steps (dt)


              Objective:- Effect of time step size on the solution Write a function that accepts time step as an argument and solves the same problem. You will compare the effect of time step on the numerical solution. 1. Set n = 80 2. Time steps to use = 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, and 1e-1 Expected output 1. In a single graph compare the numerical…


              30 Sep 2019 05:28 AM IST

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              Discretization - Comparing the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first order derivative against the analytical or exact derivative.


              Objective:- Write a program that compares the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first derivative against the analytical or exact derivative. 1. The function that you will compute if f(x) = sin(x)/x^3 2. You will compute the first derivative at x = pi/3 2a. You will compute the derivative both numerically…


              30 Sep 2019 05:28 AM IST

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              Effect of no of moles of carbon on stoichiometric coefficient "ar" and Compare how this trend changes with the fuel type (alkane, alkene and alkyne)


              Objective:- Show a plot that compares the effect of number of moles of carbon on the stoichiometric co-efficient "ar". Compare how this trend changes with the fuel type (alkane, alkene and alkyne)   For a generic alkane fuel the combustion process will following the below equation n = Number of moles of C ar = Stoichiometric…


              30 Sep 2019 05:28 AM IST

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              Simulation of a 1D Super-sonic nozzle flow using McCormack's Method


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              21 Sep 2019 12:42 PM IST

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              Geometry Clean Up and Meshing of a Car Hood Using ANSA


              The hood of a car is at the front, it covers the engine of the car. In this challenge, we are going to remove all the surface errors from the hood and then mesh the inner and outer panel of the hood. Below are all the important steps and visual representation to achieve the task.   1. Inner hood panel Open the .stp…


              19 Sep 2019 12:41 PM IST

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              Surface Wrap of Engine, Transmission and Gearbox using ANSA


              In this challenge, we will perform surface wrap using ANSA on the Engine block, transmission, and gearbox. A surface wrap is an extremely fast method of generating surface mesh for the outer surface only. The surface wrap only covers the outer surface of the geometry. It is like keeping the complete geometry in the airtight…


              19 Sep 2019 12:28 PM IST

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              Turbocharger Geometry Clean Up and Meshing using ANSA


              In this challenge we are using ANSA pre processsor tool to clean up the CAD file of a turbocharger. After CAD clean up we will surface mesh the complete geometry, then we will also generate volume mesh. below are the steps and visual representation to achive the task.   Geometry clean up First, open the file in ANSA.…


              19 Sep 2019 12:12 PM IST

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              BMW M6 geometry clean up and surface meshing using ANSA


              ANSA is an industry leading pre-processor software widely used in automotive industries. It is use to pre process the geometry before a CFD or FEM analysis. In this project we are using ANSA software to remove surface errors from BMW M6 car. After removing surface errors we will move on to surface mesh, then we will also…


              13 Sep 2019 11:00 AM IST

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              Simulation of Flow through a pipe in OpenFoam (Part 2/2)


              Objective This is the part 2 of the project. In this project we are simulating the flow through a wedge with 10, 25 and 45 degree wedge angle. And we are also changing the type of wedge to "symmetry" in openFoam blockMeshDict file and respective files. Part from that the rest remains the same. Then comaring the results…


              01 Sep 2019 05:41 AM IST

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              Simulation of Flow through a pipe in OpenFoam (Part 1/2)


              Objective Write a program in Matlab that can generate the computational mesh automatically for any wedge angle and grading schemes. Show that the velocity profile is fully developed. Post process velocity and shear stress. Reynolds number based on pipe diameter and inlet velocity should be 2100 Working fluid - water Calculate…


              01 Sep 2019 04:58 AM IST

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              BlockMesh Drill down challenge: Using icoFoam solver to simulate the flow through a backward facing step in openFoam


              Objective For the above diagram, use the icoFOAM solver to simulate the flow through a backward facing step. Create multiple meshes and compare the results obtained from each mesh. How does the velocity magnitude profile change as a function of mesh grading factor. Use grading factors, 0.2, 0.5,0.8 Measure the velocity…


              31 Aug 2019 02:25 PM IST

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              Understanding linear systems: solving linear systems with iterative techniques


              Objective A=[5 1 2 ; -3 9 4; 1 2 -7] X=[x1;x2;x3] B=[10 -14 33] Determine Eigen values of iteration matrix. Spectral radius of iteration matrix. Solve the system using Jacobi, Gauss-seidel and SOR methods Compute the iteration Matrix for the above mentioned iterative methods. Increase the Spectral radius to 1.1 by changing…


              19 Aug 2019 04:50 AM IST

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                Solving the second order ODE for simple pendulum with damping and simulating the motion of pendulum using Matlab


                Objective:- Write a program that solves the following ODE. This ODE represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping. Write a program in Matlab\Octave that will simulate the pendulum motion In the above equation, g = gravity in m/s2, L = length of the pendulum in m, m = mass of the ball in kg, b=damping…


                19 Aug 2019 04:50 AM IST

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                5.3 Stability analysis in 2D Transient State heat conduction


                Objective For both implicit and explicit methods look at the effect of time step on the stability of the solution. 1. How does an unstable solution look like? 2. At what CFL number does the solution become unstable ?   Solution   1. EXPLICIT METHOD The graphs below shows the solution for different CFL number.…


                08 Aug 2019 09:50 AM IST

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                  5.2 Comparing the fastest 2D steady State heat conduction analysis with fastest 2D Transient State heat conduction analysis.


                  1. Steady State Analysis The fastest steady state simulation was given by successive over relaxation (SOR) method. It took 145 iterations and analysis time was only 0.8899 seconds. In SOR method we use relaxation parameter which helps in achieving the convergence faster. The value of T is increased more in each iteration…


                  08 Aug 2019 08:30 AM IST

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                    Taylor table method - Comparing the error between CDS, Skewed RSD, Skewed LSD, FDS and BDS approximation schemes over the range of "dx"


                    Objective Derive the following 4th order approximations of the second order derivative 1. Central difference 2. Skewed right sided difference 3. Skewed left sided difference Once you have done this, write a program in Matlab to evaluate the second order derivative of the analytical function exp(x)*cos(x) and compare it…


                    08 Aug 2019 08:30 AM IST

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                    Discretization for range of dx - Comparing the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first order derivative against the analytical or exact derivative.


                    Objective:- 1. For a range of dx, plot the first order, second and fourth order error. 2. Make sure that you plot dx vs error in a way that makes sense. 3. Explain the results in the space provided. What can you say about the slope of the curves in this plot? Formula for the fourth order approximation of the first derivative.…


                    08 Aug 2019 08:30 AM IST

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                    Linear Convection - Solving 1D linear convection equation for different values of total number of grid points (n)


                    Objective:- 1. Assume that the domain length is L = 1m 2. The initial velocity profile is a step function. It is equal to 2m/s between x= 0.1 and 0.3 and 1m/s everywhere else 3. Use first order forward differencing for the time derivative 4. Use first order backward/rearward differencing for the space term. 5. Time step…


                    08 Aug 2019 08:30 AM IST

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                    5.1 Solving 2D Steady State and Transient State heat conduction equation.


                    Objective   1. Steady state analysis & Transient State Analysis Solve the 2D heat conduction equation by using the point iterative techniques. Use the following methods 1.1 Jacobi 1.2 Gauss-seidel 1.3 Successive over-relaxation Absolute error criteria is 1e-4 2. Write code for both implicit and explicit schemes…


                    08 Aug 2019 08:30 AM IST

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                      Showing 1 of 33 projects