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To Create CAD model considering following inputs as like in OEM and tier1 companies
Create a sketch by using Positioned sketch
All the sketches should be Iso-Constrained
Ensured Proper feature Tree Structure
Geometrical sets should have a proper name based on the sketches present inside of it
To create thickened part using master section for reference
To create the mounting features as per design guidelines in the industry and with master sections
Creation of Draft analysis & Tooling analysis
Creation of parting lines and check tooling feasibility
The ten stages in automotive product life cycle development are listed below .
1)Concept sketch
2) Styling class A
3)Feasilbility check
4)Concept validation
5)New product design
6)Product developement
7) Prototyping
8)Design validation
9)Pilot production
10)Mass production
From the above stages , stage 5 (ie).. a new product is designed and validated from class A surface . Then class B and class C surface from given class A surface is developed and a solid body from it formed using software CATIA V5 taking into consideration of the draft analysis which makes the component suitable for production using injection molding process .
The procedures to create a new plastic component from given class A surface are:
1) Creation of tooling axis
2) Creation of class b surface
3) Creation of class C surface
4) Creation of closed body
5) Draft Analysis .
Draft analysis is done to ensure that the designed part is manufacturable based on the draft conditions applied. It is done to ensure the proper ejection of the component from molds .The basic idea is to ensure that the tooling axis has to be created in such a way that it has no parallel surface profiles of the component so that the ejection of the components can be ensured . Tooling axis is the axis along which cavity and core are closed and opened .
The main components of interior door panel of a car consists of the following parts .
1) Arm rest
2) Map pocket
3) Bottle holder
4) Lower substrate.
1) Creation of tooling axis:
To create tooling axis , we must import the model into catia as a product .
File=>open=>browse=> MASTER SECTION DEVELOPEMENT.igs file .
Given class A surface
Rear side of the class A with master section
Create a product file and copy each component into different part files and name as accordingly .
Step 1: Insert a geometrical set. Extract the base surface and create a point at its centre using point on surface option from point tool. Look for suitable axis to create a tooling axis so that all faces clear tooling.
Step 2: Create an axis system without current option ticked at the above point. Create a position sketch with zy plane from axis system and above point as reference point.
Step 3: Use intersect 3d objects option from project tool to create 2 lines by selecting a suitable plane(zy). Now create 2 lines which coincide with lines on both sides of the projection point. Create a line using bisect option. Align the line in required axis direction. This is our Y tooling axis.
Step 4: To create tooling axis about x direction, create a position sketch with xz plane as reference plane and projection point as the first point we created. Use cut section tool and create an intersection using projection tool. Now create a line that coincides with this line.
Step 5: Draw a line from origin in horizontal direction and create and angle constraint of 5 degrees. Use bisect option to create a line between that above lines. This is out X tooling axis.
Step 6: Create a new line using bisect option between X tooling and Y tooling line. this is our required Tooling Axis, Name this as tooling axis and publish it.
1)Once the tooling axis is created, publish it and the component using Publication from tool option.
2)Insert Feature draft analysis option from inserts tool bar
3) Change the view option to customize view parameters and click on material option under shading.
4) Now click on the axis option from Draft analysis tools, align it with tooling axis and click on lock option to lock it.
5) Change draft angle value to 3 degrees. Click on quick analysis mode to display feature according to given colour scale. Check from all views to ensure the draft analysis is cleared.
6) Since the created tooling axis does not clear the draft analysis at the created axis click on the lock axis button to unlock it. Now rotate the tooling axis by left clicking on the top round portion of the axis system. Rotate the axis till maximum clearance is obtained. Now right click on the axis and click lock current axis
7) Create a line using the initial axis origin and this axis using point and direction (using compass direction) option. This is our required tooling axis.
8) Now if we check for draft analysis, we can observe that the ribbed area has not yet cleared draft analysis. Hence, we need to create a side core tooling axis. To do this, create a line using point and direction option with Y direction.
9) Repeat steps 1 to 5 to ensure the remaining portion which was not cleared using Tooling axis has been cleared using this axis .
Similarly created tooling axis using same procedures for all other components.
Tooling axis for lower substrate
Tooling axis for Map pocket
Tooling axis for BOTTLE HOLDER:
Here we can observe that regions in CYAN colour has a 0 degree draft angle . This would lead to ejection problems while molding process . Hence the class A surface has to be modified to meet draft requirements Hence we have created tooling axis for all components .
2) Creation of class B surface:
Procedure to create class B surface for Lower substrate .
Step 1: Use offset tool with a distance value of 2.5mm to create offset of class A surface .
Step 2: After offsetting , extrapolate tool was used to extend all the edges of this surface . This is done to ensure that the parting line comes at B surface .
Step 3: In areas where extrapolate was not possible (Fillet or cusped surfaces) multi-section surface option was used .
Step 4: Join all the extrapolated surface and multi section surfaces to obtain a single surface .
Hence the class B surface was created for MAP POCKET.
Similarly , class B surface was created for other components .
Class B surface of ARM REST:
Class B surface of LOWER SUBSTRATE:
Class B surface of BOTTLE HOLDER:
Hence class B surface for all components were created.
3) Creation of Class C surface:
Procedure for creation of class C surface for Upper map pocket
Step 1: Use sweep command to create a new surface an angle with respect to a surface. This angle is dependent on draft angle for free edges and usually 90 degrees for mating surfaces.
Step 2: In areas where sweep is not possible, use Multi section surface to create a new surface.
Step 3: Join all surfaces to obtain C surface.
Hence C surface was obtained for MAP POCKET
Similarly, C surfaces were obtained for all other components.
Class C surface for ARM REST:
Class C surface for LOWER SUBSTRATE:
Hence class C was created for all components.
4) Creation of closed body:
Procedure for creation of closed body for lower map pocket.
Step 1: Use trim or join option to join Class A and Class C.
Step 2: Use trim option to join above trim with class B
Hence, we have obtained closed body for BOTTLE HOLDER.
Similarly closed body was obtained for all other parts
Closed body for MAP POCKET:
Closed body for LOWER SUBSTRATE
Closed body for ARM REST
Hence, we have created closed body for all parts and thus we have created solid bodies from them.
5) Draft Analysis:
Procedure to check Draft analysis for Lower substrate.
1)Once the tooling axis is created, publish it and the component using Publication from tool option.
2)Insert Feature draft analysis option from inserts tool bar
3) Change the view option to customize view parameters and click om material option under shading.
4) Now click on the axis option from Draft analysis tools, align it with tooling axis and click on lock option to lock it.
5) Change draft angle value to 3 degrees. Click on quick analysis mode to display feature according to given colour scale. Check from all views to ensure the draft analysis is cleared. Click ok to complete the Draft analysis mode.
Draft analysis for MAP POCKET:
Draft Analysis for ARM REST:
Hence, we have completed first part of the project and have obtained closed body for all the parts clearing draft analysis
Attachment of flanges using given master sections.
Procedure to create FLANGES and HEAR STAKES for Arm rest from given master sections.
Step 1: Use multiple extract to obtain required guide curve and sweep profile for flange top surface.
Step 2: Use sweep option to create a surface from below obtained multiple extracts.
Step 3: Use extrapolate to extend the surface according to master section and create a solid body in a new body. Create holes and flat surfaces for heat stake.
Step 4: Heat stake was created from padding a sketch created from a point obtained from master section.
Step 5: Stake support was created using padding the multiple extract from master section and thickening it.
Similarly, features were created on all parts according to master section.
Flanges on MAP POCKET:
Hence, we have made features according to master section.
3) Creation dog house and additional attachment features according to industry standards.
Procedure to create dog house on LOWER SUBSTRATE:
Step 1: Create a point on required location and a plane from it. Create a sketch with base sketch for dog house.
Step 2: Use sweep tool to create a surface using this profile and draft direction at a draft angle of 1.5 degrees
Step 3: Use extrapolate and extrude option to create required surfaces and use trim and split to obtain the outer body of dog house.
Step 4: Create a new body and name it as dog house. Use thick surface option to create a solid of required thickness.
Step 5: Translate the dog house to required height using translate option and use thick command to extend the base surface to intersect the lower substrate.
Step 6: Extract the inner base edge and create a surface to get the required base profile. Use thick surface to create a solid and use Boolean operation to remove it from the base of dog house.
Step 7: To create top profile for attachment of push pins, create a sketch, extrude it and split it from the solid using split option
Step 8: To create a base for push pins to rest, create another sketch extrude and off set it. Create solids from it using thick surface option.
Use Boolean operation union trim to obtain required design.
Thus, we have created dog house.
Now we have made complete dog house. Use translate (point to point) option to position it in required locations.
Create heat stakes and flanges at required locations using above mentioned procedures to obtain complete substrate body. Apply draft on all required surfaces and fillets on all straight edges.
Draft analysis for Completed parts
2) Lower Substrate:
Thus, the CAD model considering following inputs as like in OEM and tier1 companies is created.
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