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DESIGN OF AMERICAN CHOOPER INTRODUCTION This Report Contains brief explanation of designing of American chooper using solid works 3D modelling cad software ; from intial sketch to Final rendering including Solid Modeling, Surface Modeling tools explanation…
Asad Ali Baig Mirza
updated on 23 Jan 2021
This Report Contains brief explanation of designing of American chooper using solid works 3D modelling cad software ; from intial sketch to Final rendering including Solid Modeling, Surface Modeling tools explanation
The main objective of this designing is to obtain sustainable knowledge in solid part
modeling and surface modeling
Part modeling is the process of which modeling of a component\Object in 3D by using the 2d Sketch by using tools and sketch constraints, features of solid works like Extrude, revolve boss..etc
Features and Tools used for modeling will be explained in separate topics each component design
Component Description : Transmission Belt is used to transmit power from one end to another end of pulley
1.Boss Extrude - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
2.Fillet - Fillet is a feature used for making round edges to avoid sharp edges
Constraints used
Tools used
1.Line tool – used to draw straight and tangent arcs
Using Line and arc constraints making a sketch with given dimensions offset the sketch with offset entities after get defined sketch make extrude using Boss extrude. After making Extrude of belt model Make 1mm Fillet at edges of Transmission belt
Component Description : Kick stand is a Supporting Mechanism which is used to prevent the chooper lean on ground and makes upright with out interfere with a person or Object .
1 Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
2.Fillet - Fillet is a feature used for making round edges to avoid sharp edges
3.Lofted Boss\Base - Lofted boss is a feature used to achieve Complex Shapes .Which basically
extruded loft surfaces by means of two lofted profiles along with guided
curves direct the path of lofting
4.Split - Split tool is used to split single solid part into two solid parts
Constraints used
Tools used
1.Ellipse - Used to make elliptical sketches as per dimension
2.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
3.Center point - It is used to make Rectangle based on center point
Create a Ellipse according to vertical and horizontal dimensions after that make a spline in perpendicular plane. With reference of spline and its end point creating another plane for draw another loft profile after sketching by using loft boss\base feature create a loft profile spline as guide curve to make perfect loft needed after that make a dome in the side of stand which going to lean in ground and finally make a flat surface to lean in ground by using split tool
Component Description : Fender is a frame like structure which is laying over a wheel is used to prevent the mud, liquids ,slippery things will be flown into air while rotating at high speed also it prevents the small stones will be flown over a rider because of acceleration cover a tyre
Features used
1.Revolve boss\base – Revolve feature is used to make cylindrical or circular 3D extrude
along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch
2.Split - Split tool is used to split single solid part into two solid parts
3.Fillet - Fillet is a feature used for making round edges to avoid sharp edges
4.Dome - Dome is a feature used to make dome shaped extrude including elliptical dome
5 .Extrude Cut - Extrude cut feature used to cut the 3d object in linear path according to sketch
Constraints used
1.Reference axis for revolve
Tools used
1.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
2.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
3.Dynamic mirror- Dynamic mirror used to mirror the entire feature of the plane
selected for mirroring
4.Extent entities - It is used to extend the end point lines to make closed sketch
5.Trim entities - Trim is used to trim\delete the additional lines in the geometry
Creating 3 point arc as per dimension with offset and using extend entities to make complete the sketch by making a reference axis by means mid plane which by means of axis using revolve feature by two direction at specific angle
After that making a spline to obtain required shape with dynamic mirror option
Component Description : Fender is a frame like structure which is laying over a wheel is used to prevent the mud, liquids ,slippery things will be flown into air while rotating at high speed also it prevents the small stones will be flown over a rider because of acceleration cover a tyre
Features used
1.Revolve boss\base – Revolve feature is used to make cylindrical or circular 3D extrude
along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch
2.Split - Split tool is used to split single solid part into two solid parts
3.Fillet - Fillet is a feature used for making round edges to avoid sharp edges
4.Shell - Shell feature is used to make to hollow space in solid part by selecting outer wall
of the solid part is to make remove the inner parts also used to reduce the
specific thickness
Constraints used
Tools used
1.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
2.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
3.Extent entities - It is used to extend the end point lines to make closed sketch
4.Trim entities - Trim is used to trim\delete the additional lines in the geometry
Creating a 3 point arc at midplane of rear fender at offset a line at a given distance at end of the arc line draw and extend using extend entities , as reference of construction line making a revolve feature at two direction and angle needed to achieve fender after that make split at end of the fender to get curvature by using 3 point arc at last by selecting face of fender to make full fillet at edges at last to make shell command to reduce the thickness of the fender at given dimension
Component Description : Chain is used to transmit power from engine to sprocket at rear wheel for acceleration of vehicle
Features used
1 Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
2.Fillet - Fillet is a feature used for making round edges to avoid sharp edges
Driven pattern- Curve driven pattern is used to make any pattern which followed by the
curve is sketched before
Constraints used
Tools used
1.Circle – Circle is the tool used to draw a circular sketch
Point draw an arc.
3.Blocks - Block are the tool which make a particular sketch as blocks that we can get a
sketch as block able to insert in geometry and sketch any time.
4.Trim- Trim is used to trim\delete the additional lines in the geometry
Started with a two circles which located as construction line reference after that draw a 3 point curve which is tangent with two circles with specific radius then trim additional lines after that create a chain pin block
By using that block to make coincident and concentric relation which the chain block make path with the curve which is drawn . After fixing block with curve make extrude the pin and chain plate at offset then make a curve driven pattern by curve as reference By following the same rhythm to create a complete chain model .
Component Description : Oil tank in an Engine is used to maintain the internal temperature at cylindrical blocks because of ignition for which the oil stored in a tank is known as oil tank
Features used
of the solid part is to make remove the inner parts also used to reduce the
specific thickness
Each other as same solid parts
Constraints used
Tools used
Point draw an arc.
2.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
3.Dynamic mirror- Dynamic mirror used to mirror the entire feature of the plane
selected for mirroring
4.Line tool – used to draw straight , construction line and tangent arcs
In oil tank start with top plane making line and make tangent arc coincident with construction line make a straight line coincident with sketching point to get fully defined sketch and make a dynamic mirror after that make a extrude
Then make a line with midplane to make a oil tank and extrude after that make combine both shapes to obtain a oil tank
Make a fillet with all ends
Finally make a shell command without selecting body to get hollow tank inside
Component description : Pedal is used to make support for rider to spread his foot on apedal and make rider comfortable while travelling and prevent the foot contact with road
Features used
1.Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
2.Fillet - Fillet is a feature used for making round edges to avoid sharp edges
3.Revolve boss\base – Revolve feature is used to make cylindrical or circular 3D extrude
along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch
4.Dome - Dome is a feature used to make dome shaped extrude including
elliptical dome
5.Chamfer - Chamfer is used to make a edges sharp edge to make angled tapering
Pattern - Linear pattern is to make a solid feature pattern in path as linear
Constraints used
Tools used
3.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
4.Offset – offset is used to make a same sketch which is selected at point of given
Making a fully defined sketch filled with lots of relation and sketch ended with fully defined sketch as like to get a exact dimension of a pedal
Then extrude a fixing pin using a contour selection make pedal frame same as that after that make a Revolve of leg rest from the same sketch to get a rest finish making a fillet and chamfer at end of the rest and make a dome a end
Finally a pattern in a leg support at a pedal is extruded by using linear pattern command
Component description : Wheel is used as locomotive component of every vehicle .The wheel
generally rotated based on the axis fixed with the vehicle. Its built with hard rim cover with
nylon tyre
Features used
1.Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch .
4.Revolve cut - Revolve cut is a method to cut\reduce the extrude of cylindrical\round
Pattern - Linear pattern is to make a solid feature pattern in path as linear
8.Circular pattern – Circular pattern is a feature used to make 3d feature into circular
pattern according to number of insistence
Constraints used
Tools used
3.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
4.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
5.Trim – Used to trim the extra lines
6.Extend entities – Used to extend line to the next sketch with relation along to the
For front wheel it consistent of Tyre ,Rotor, Caliper, Wheel rim
For rim
The rim is made by extrude revolve in the front plane reference by making sketch and revolve to achieve the rim after making a revolve boss\base
Then making a sketch to do make a spider web like forks by using circular pattern and other sketch entities according to dimensions
For Rotor
Rotor is extrude offset from midplane to offset at specific dimension and make a circular patterned holes for grip to calipers
For caliper
Caliper is extrude along with mid plane extrude at both direction and make fillet and chamfer to achieve caliper
For Tyre
Tyre is done by making revolve with front plane as per dimension to achieve pattern in tyre making a circular pattern feature
Wheel is used as locomotive component of every vehicle .The wheel
generally rotated based on the axis fixed with the vehicle. Its built with hard rim cover with
nylon tyre. It also include sprocket, Caliper , Rotor, Tyre
Features used
1.Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch .
4.Revolve cut - Revolve cut is a method to cut\reduce the extrude of cylindrical\round
Pattern - Linear pattern is to make a solid feature pattern in path as linear
7.Extrude Cut - Extrude cut feature used to cut the 3d object in linear path according to
8.Circular pattern – Circular pattern is a feature used to make 3d feature into circular
pattern according to number of insistence
Constraints used
Tools used
3.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
4.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
6.Extend entities – Used to extend line to the next sketch with relation along to the
For Rear wheel it consistent of Tyre ,Rotor, Caliper, Wheel rim, Sprocket
For rim
The rim is made by extrude revolve in the front plane reference by making sketch and revolve to achieve the rim after making a revolve boss\base
Then making a sketch to do make a spider web like forks by using circular pattern and other sketch entities according to dimensions
For Rotor
Rotor is extrude offset from midplane to offset at specific dimension and make a circular patterned holes for grip to calipers
For caliper
Caliper is extrude along with mid plane extrude at both direction and make fillet and chamfer to achieve caliper
For Tyre
Tyre is done by making revolve with front plane as per dimension to achieve pattern in tyre making a circular pattern feature
For Sprocket
Sprocket is made by extrude from the midplane of wheel with offset from a distance which is parallel to sprocket at engine block the sprocket is made by circular pattern to achieve the teeth at sprocket
Components Description : Front fork is consists two narrow tube consists of two shock absorbers along with axis of front wheel and tope end fixed with handle bar to control direction of vehicle with head light
Features used
1.Revolve boss\base – Revolve feature is used to make cylindrical or circular 3D
extrude along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch
2.Dome - Dome is a feature used to make dome shaped extrude including elliptical dome
3.Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
4.Split - Split tool is used to split single solid part into two solid parts
5.Combine – Combine tool is used to make integration of two solid parts which intersect
Each other as same solid parts
6 Move\copy body – This feature is used to move\copy the 3D body to one place to
another face
7.Mirror – Mirror is used to make a mirroring a feature or body by refernce of the selected
plane it makes reduce the working timing of the model
8.Sweep – This feature is used to sweep any kind of fully defined sketch along with the
Constraints used
Tools used
1.Projected curve – Projected curve is a special tool to make work easier projected used to
combine a curves from different plane in to single plane sketch my
means of integration
2.Convert Entities – This tool is used to make sketch according to the plane which under
sketch makes a trace of single line
4.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
5.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
Starting with the long barrel which where suspension located make a revolve feature as per sketch sketched at front plane
From top plane extrude the center part of fork where head light and speedo meter located offset from some distance , After extrude making right plane make a revolve of head light using move\copy feature move a head light towards z direction to make head light center
Make a fillet at the end of the head light to get soft round edges ,
Make a mirror as plan as right side of solid part which mounted upside of fork make a mirror feature to get complete fork , making revolve of handle bar the a make a composite curve to get break wire connected with fork at last make a new for front fork used to assembly.
Components description : Chassis is a skeleton of bike which is main frame that is used to hold everything like Engine, gas tank , pedal.. each and every parts .
Features used
1.Mirror – Mirror is used to make a mirroring a feature or body by reference of the
selected plane it makes reduce the working timing of the model
2.Sweep – This feature is used to sweep any kind of fully defined sketch along with the
3.Revolve boss\base – Revolve feature is used to make cylindrical or circular 3D
extrude along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch
4.Dome - Dome is a feature used to make dome shaped extrude including elliptical
5.Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
6.Split - Split tool is used to split single solid part into two solid parts
7.Combine – Combine tool is used to make integration of two solid parts which intersect
Each other as same solid parts
8.Chamfer - Chamfer is used to make a edges sharp edge to make angled tapering.
Constraints used
1.Projected curve – Projected curve is a special tool to make work easier projected used to
combine a curves from different plane in to single plane sketch my
means of integration
2.Convert Entities – This tool is used to make sketch according to the plane which under
sketch makes a trace of single line
4.Spline - Spline tool use to make spline curves and complex geometry shapes
5.Circle – Used to make circles according to given radius\diameter
Need of reference blue print for make chassis by importing chopper blue print using image sketch feature after importing image make sketch with reference of imported image by using splines to make projected curve of bottom part of chassis make sweep along with curve.
Components description
Engine is the power house of the vehicle it transmit the power to rear wheel through chain and sprocket
Features used
1.Mirror – Mirror is used to make a mirroring a feature or body by reference of the
selected plane it makes reduce the working timing of the model
2.Sweep – This feature is used to sweep any kind of fully defined sketch along with the
3.Revolve boss\base – Revolve feature is used to make cylindrical or circular 3D
extrude along with a given reference axis as per drawn sketch
4.Dome - Dome is a feature used to make dome shaped extrude including elliptical
5.Extrude Boss\Base - Used to expand the object in 3D according to sketch plane
6.Split - Split tool is used to split single solid part into two solid parts
7.Combine – Combine tool is used to make integration of two solid parts which intersect
Each other as same solid parts
8.Chamfer - Chamfer is used to make a edges sharp edge to make angled tapering.
11.Circular pattern – Circular pattern is a feature used to make 3d feature into circular
pattern according to number of insistence
Pattern - Linear pattern is to make a solid feature pattern in path as linear
Constraints used
Tools Used
3.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
4.Offset – offset is used to make a same sketch which is selected at point of given
5.Projected curve – Projected curve is a special tool to make work easier projected used to
combine a curves from different plane in to single plane sketch my
means of integration
6.Convert Entities – This tool is used to make sketch according to the plane which under
sketch makes a trace of single line
8.Composite curve- Composite curve is used to make to composite two curves into single
Engine part modeling need a reference image same as chassis after that using engine
Blue print make line and tangency for pulley used to drive , after that making an extrude from a new plane from the reference to make a engine block using cut extrude cut the fins in engine and make mirror after that make an air intake using revolve and projected curve finally making a composite curve to sweep the exhaust and make a spark plug cable at end of the engine block
Component description
Gas tank is used to store the fuel which is need for making power engine in combustion process .
Features used
1.Swept Surface – Its used to make a surface along with a path curve is driven
2.Boundary Surface – Boundary surface which make surface in between two finished
3.Loft Surface – loft surface is used to make loft in between two profiles along with guide
4.Knit surface- knit surface is used to make knit\zipped two surface
5.Sweep cut- sweep cut is same as sweep feature but its directly proportional to sweep
which make a cut along with the sweep path
6.Combine – Combine tool is used to make integration of two solid parts which intersect
Each other as same solid parts
wall of the solid part is to make remove the inner parts also used to reduce the
specific thickness
8.Fillet - Fillet is a feature used for making round edges to avoid sharp edges.
Constraints used
Tools used
1 . Line tool – used to draw straight , construction line and tangent arcs
2.3point Arc - 3point arc used to draw a arc with make center point as reference
Point draw an arc.
4.Projected curve – Projected curve is a special tool to make work easier projected used to
combine a curves from different plane in to single plane sketch my
means of integration
5.Convert Entities – This tool is used to make sketch according to the plane which under
sketch makes a trace of single line
selected plane it makes reduce the working timing of the model
In gas tank which is make an surface extrude along with blue print by making sweep surface extrude making a tangential spline curve along with sweep path to make a outer tank wall
After that to make projected curve to extrude loft surface using guided curve and make complete gas tank finally make a shell for gas tank because of hollow object to make fully modeled design model
Assembly of chooper which is make a assembly of components which is designed before
For an assembly import all components at assembly environment of solid works
Constraints used
Constraints play a major role for assembly which is used to assemble each parts
2.coincident with planes
3.tangent with planes
Mates is a feature used to make mate with each other components properly used to make accurate assembly of a components. There is a type of Components
Finally apply decals for all the components
Fully assembled chopper
Rendering is process of making real time products
Rendering consists of following features
1.Environment settings
2.Light settings
3.colours and material editing
4.Scene Composition
Setup of Solid works photo view 360 with above mentioned Aspects with proper Environment
Solid works visualize is advanced individual rendering setup to make a Real time rendering Experience
In end of this American chooper project learn to use a new features and tools And learn about assembly according to planes of models including advanced mates
Finally learning about Light, environment setup , colour , Decals , Back plates Using Photo view 360 and solid works Visualize
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