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1. Create the templates as shown in Figures. Take the size of the title block as per industry standards or you can assume it as per the size of the paper. Use text and attributes wherever required. After creating the title block you need to save it as a block with names: Custom1_titleblock and Custom2_titleblock, respectively.…
Samiksha dhole
updated on 15 Sep 2022
1. Create the templates as shown in Figures. Take the size of the title block as per industry standards or you can assume it as per the size of the paper. Use text and attributes wherever required. After creating the title block you need to save it as a block with names: Custom1_titleblock and Custom2_titleblock, respectively.
Commands used:
To Create Custom1_titleblock and Custom2_titleblock using Attributes and block command from Autocad software .
Step 1 ( custom1_tittleblock)
Command "B" - block definition dialogue box appears- give name as "Custom1_ title block"- select pick point and select a point in the table- select the object- select the whole table including the text.Give scale uniformly and tick allow exploding.Select convert to block option.
As we have selected retain the object it wiil be retain and same as the actual drawing and a block is creted for the objects that we have selected .If we want to use the block goto insert select the object and insert it.
STEP 2 (custom2_tittleblock)
By attributes, create the text inside it.Command "ATT" - attribute definition dialogue box appears.
Insert the tag line - tag we are giving, visible before creating the block.
Prompt: Question we need to add what we need to enter
Default: the value shown in drawing after making it as a block.
For e.g.: In the first-row 1st column "C" is the text to be displayed. Command "ATT"
Now create a block Command "B" with name Custom2_titleblock, select the whole title block and make it as a block.After creating it as a block we can see that all attributes will change to their default values.
Step 1 ( custom1_tittleblock)
STEP 2 (custom2_tittleblock)
2. Create the doors type for warehouse as shown in the Figure. You need to create each door type as per standard size or given dimensions. Create the blocks of this door type after creating them.
To create the doors type for warehouse and to also create the block of this door type after creating them using AutoCAD
step 1:
step 2 :
step 3 :
3. Create each symbol as a block with the name given in the legend. After creating the blocks arrange them in the legend as shown in the Figure.
To create each symbol as a block with the name and then arrange them in the legend
Single gauge switch: Draw a circle and with line draw an inclined line vertical and horizontal line perpendicular to the inclined as required.
Double gauge switch: Draw circle and draw two horizontal lines and a vertical incline line.
Triple gauge switch: Draw circle, 1 vertical incline line and three horizontal lines.
Single two-way switch: Draw same as single gauge switch and with hatch command give solid hatch select it in the circle.
Double two way switch: Draw same as double gang switch.
Triple two-way switch: Draw same as triple gang switch.
Switch cross: Create a and with line command draw an inclined vertical and perpendicular horizontal. Mirror the line in both directions.
Switch serial: Copy the switch cross and delete two bottom lines, remove the donout also.
Single socket: Create a circle, divide it into half and draw a line at the top.
Single socket for lamp: From the single socket, draw a horizontal line perpendicular to vertical.
Double socket: Draw the single socket and copy it to create same and place it using snap on.
Floor socket single: Draw a rectangle surrounding single socket.
Floor single socket for lamp: Draw a rectangle surrounding single socket for lamp
Floor socket double: Create two single socket and place a rectangle surrounding it.
Floor socket single telephone: Draw a single socket, a triangle and surrounded by a rectangle.
Floor socket double, telephone: draw 2 single socket and a triangle surrounded by a rectangle.
Telephone socket: Draw a triangle
Internet socket: Insert text "i" in the triangle.
Tv socket: Insert text “TV' in the triangle.
Weatherproof socket: Insert text "w" in the triangle.
Duct base section: Draw a rectangle and semicircle and trim the unwanted part of circle- select the bottom grip point - select add vertex - then pull the vertex to create a bend, with line draw the lines.
Wall bracket: With rectangle draw the base, create a circle, draw a line connecting the rectangle and circle, draw a cross line inside the circle.
Picture lamp: draw two rectangles connected by a line.
Creating them as block:
Command "B" give name as single gang switch - pick a point - select object (created single gang switch) - tick scale uniformly and allow exploding options.
imilarly define each one of them as block giving the respective names.Do the same procedure for the remaining symbols.
Creating and arranging hem in layers:
First create a rectangular table having 10 rows and 6 columns.
Place each of the blocks in the respective rows and columns.
To enter text with the block from the insert tab- select field- select object -select block.
E.g.: for single gang switch - select from the field. - select uppercase in format.
Place the text in the respective rows give text heiht to 150.Similarly place all the title inside the legends.
4. Create the door type for residential building as a block. Save the name of the blocks as type. Use given
dimensions or assume dimensions as per industry standards.
To Create the door type for residential building as a block .
step 1:
step 2
Draw rectangle with dimension 2'10" and 6'11".Draw offset 2" for frame.Draw offset 1" for shutter.
Draw lock by two rectangles perpendicular to each other and circle.Write text by multiline text "DOOR 1".
Create it as block "B"- give name as "type-DOOR 1" -pick a corner point- select the object. then block is created.
2). D2 - 3'4" x 6'11" :
Draw rectangle with dimension 3'4" and 6'11".Draw offset 2" for frame.Draw offset 1" for shutter.
Draw rectangle for panel 1' and 1', then offset 1/2" two times.Draw a rectangle 6" x 5.5", offset 0.2".
Copy it with copy command "co" - select mode - select the rectangle- select array-enter no: of array as 3 -place it as required.Copy the 3 rectangles to 4 rows.
For the second panel draw a rectangle of 2'x 2'4.5". Offset 2" 2 timesDraw another rectangle inside this of 8" x 1' 5" and offset 2".
Draw lock by circle in between the two panels.Write text by multiline text "DOOR 2".
Create it as block "B"- give name as "type-DOOR 2" -pick a corner point- select the object, then block is created.
3). D3 -2'9" x 6'11" :
Draw a rectangle of 2'9" x 6'11".
Offset 2" for thickness ,5"offset for frame, 2" thickness. Offset 1" as shutter thickness.
Draw a rectangle at the top for ventilation 11.5" x 5.5", give offset 0.2" for thickness.Hatch inside the rectangle.
Create lock by rectangle two of them, perpendicular to each other and a circle.
Create it as a block Command "B" - give name as type DOOR 3 -pick point- select object -tick scale uniformly and explode all.
4). D4 - 3'4" x 7'9" :
Draw rectangle "REC" of dimension 3'4" x 6'11".Explode it and create an arc with 2-point method with both point as the endpoints.Offset the arc and the line with 2.5" and then 1.5".
Offset 4.5" from arc and rectangle for panel and divide it into two .Take 1" offset 2 times to show the thickness on top figure and bottom rectangle.Create rectangles inside the panel.
For lock, create a circle.
Make it a block, name as type DOOR 4 - pick a point and select the object tick the dialogue box of uniform scale and explode all.
5). D5 - 3'4" x 6'11" :
Draw a rectangle of 3'4" x 6'11".Offset 2" for frame.Offset 1" as shutter thickness.
Draw rectangle for panel 1' and 1', then offset 1/2" two times.Draw a rectangle 6" x 5.5", offset 0.2".
Copy it with copy command "co" - select mode - select the rectangle- select array-enter no: of array as 3 -place it as required.Copy the 3 rectangles to 4 rows.
Similarly copy it in bottom rectangle for 3 rows and 3 columns.
Create it as a block Command "B" - give name as type D5 -pick point- select object -tick scale uniformly and explode all.
6). D6 - 3'4" x 7' 9" :
Draw rectangle "REC" of dimension 3'4" x 6'11".Explode it and create an arc with 2-point method with both point as the endpoints.Offset the arc and the line with 2.5" and then 1.5".
Offset 4.5" from arc and rectangle for panel and divide it into two .Take 1" offset 2 times to show the thickness on top figure and bottom rectangle.Create rectangles inside the panel.
For bottom panel,draw a rectangle of 2'x 2'4.5". Offset 2" 2 timesDraw another rectangle inside this of 8" x 1' 5" and offset 2"..For lock, create a circle.
Make it a block ,name as type D6 - pick a point and select the object tick the dialgue box of uniform scale and explode all.
Result: The doors are created and are made into blocks.
5) Create each shape as a block as shown in the Figure. Save the block and insert them on the table as shown in the Figure.
Aim: To create bar bending schedule and insert it as block.
1).Drawing each shape:
A -20mm :
Draw a line of 750cm for straight bar.Create arc for the bend. Create on one side and mirror it on another side.
B-16mm :
Draw line of 300mm for straight bar.Draw vertical line of 41cm and extend a horizontal line and draw a line inclined at 45 degree from the base of vertical line up to horizontal line.
Trim off the unwanted lines.Copy the same on the other side.Draw a horizontal line of 139cm and copy it on other side .Draw bend with arc and mirror the same on other side.
C -16mm :
Draw a line of 210cm .Draw vertical line of 41cm and extend a horizontal line and draw a line inclined at 45 degree from the base of vertical line up to horizontal line.
Trim off the unwanted lines.Copy the same on the other side.Draw a horizontal line of 180cm and copy it on other side.Draw bend with arc and mirror the same on other side.
D -12mm :
Draw a line of 750cm for straight bar.Draw an arc downwards.Mirror it on the other side.
E- 10mm :
Draw a rectangle of 23cm and 43 cm.Fillet the corner with fillet radius 5cm.Draw two line of 120cm.
Creating each of them as block by using Command -"B'- give name as A - pick a point- select the object - select delete - tick box of scale uniformly and explode all.
Similarly create 5 blocks: A,B,C,D,E and insert each of the bars as blocks.
Inserting blocks in the table:
Create a table with rectangle and divide it into 6 rows and 7 columns.With multiline text enter type, shape size, length, no, total length, unit weight, total weight and all other text.By command "I" insert each of the block in respective columns.
Template is drawn and text and attributes are inserted.
Doors of warehouse are drawn and placed it in blocks.
Electrical legend are created and it is made into blocks
Different types of door for residential project are drawn and are placed in blocks
Bars are drawn and made it as blocks and inserted it in table as bar bending schedule.
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