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AIM: DESIGN OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. Stpep:1 From the file menu new archithech sheet is taken for the modeling of the building. The units are converted into feet by using the option project units from the manage toolbar. Using the line tool layout is drawn for the development of the modeling. All the design…
Sandeep Sathi
updated on 22 Jan 2022
From the file menu new archithech sheet is taken for the modeling of the building.
The units are converted into feet by using the option project units from the manage toolbar.
Using the line tool layout is drawn for the development of the modeling.
All the design procedure is done by the guidelines of NBC.
The levels are adjusted to the height of 10’ and few more levels are created from the arechitech ribbon.
The layout is drawn at level 1.
After the completion of the layout of the model step 2 i.e is crerating of the walls for the layout is carried out.
From the architech option wall is taken and all the outer walls are 9” thick and the inner are 4” .
After the completion of the walls floor is drawn using the line option from the floor option the boundry line is created the by clicking on the finish option the floor of the model is created.
For the parking a level below the level 1 is created at -10” and the floor is drawn for the parking.
A compound wall is created along the boundry of the floor @ 5’ height.
Using column option first floor and the cellar is joined by placing the columns at the different palces with the minimum distance of 12’ center to center.
Compound wall is taken generic wall and all other are taken as masonary.
Inserting of furniture,doors,windows etc…
From the incert option-load family the required materials are loaded into the project and are used fron the project browser,family option.
Aftet the completion of furniture,doors and windows are incerted at the required places.
At the sitout area created at the front left and right corners of the two portions.
Chairs,sofa and table are placed.
Stairs are created at the middle of the model with the required space and connected to the top of the model.
After completion of the first floor modeling the floor is copied and pasted at the level 3.
And the stairs are connected to the top.
Curtten walls are used at the front of the building for the asthetical point of view.
At the top floor an over head tank is created at the NE corner of the building.
All the rooms are first adjusted to the camara angles.
From the view toolbar rendering option is taken to render the rooms.
Mostely sun light is used for the better out put.
After the rooms building is rendered by using different view options.
The resultant pictures are attached to the challenge.
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