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AIM - Concept modelling of a Steering Wheel. Objective - To achieve overall Volume of the Steering Wheel and trying to be as close as the reference image. We have modelled a Mercedes AMG Steering wheel based on our knowledge in the software, and have tried to achieve our objective as precisely as possible. Modelling…
Prahar Dave
updated on 20 Nov 2020
AIM - Concept modelling of a Steering Wheel.
Objective - To achieve overall Volume of the Steering Wheel and trying to be as close as the reference image.
We have modelled a Mercedes AMG Steering wheel based on our knowledge in the software, and have tried to achieve our objective as precisely as possible. Modelling a Steering is different in its own way because here we have Human Interaction with the surfaces in the environment itself so we must practice and experience the shapes and transitions where the involvement is actually happening so that it is not only good looking but convenient as well. So for that what all necessary Steps have taken is described below.
Approach -
NOTE - As it is a Part where interaction is happening, so before moving to the workspace it is really important that we have very clear information and imagination of the task that we will be performing. So, for that, we have spent some time inside a car observing the structural formation of the Wheel and got a clear picture of how and why certain things are done to make the Steering Wheel comfortable and how actually the transition is carried out.
As per the image shown above, we have to set the thickness and the size of the steering wheel. So for that, we have used CIRCLE command which is easily available in the Curves Section, now we have to make surfaces and for that, we have used RAIL Command since it is easy and most convenient option available, we can also use SKIN command but for that, we will have to work more and apply more directional curves to achieve the same result as Rail.
Now we have the Middle portion which is fairly simple and just requires a normal understanding of the shape of Horn / Middles of the Wheel, again we can trace the whole area with the curves and then make surface out of it, but instead of that, we can have a smart approach, which is, Making a Plane (Available in the surface section) and give it the shape which is personally preferred. Then we can easily trace the curves and then we can project the curves to achieve the desired shape.
Now here, we have to apply our visualization and think a couple of steps ahead, consider the image -
We have made the curves which are offset from the white line, reason of which is because of the reflections of the light which tells us that the top surface is not only curvy but at the same time it has some draft to it or can say an extension of the edges which points downwards and because of that we can not make the curves at that edge. After that, to achieve the draft we have to apply another command which is also easy and straight forward to apply. Which is MSDRAFT, here also we need to think how much angle is required and what can be the length of the extended surfaces, so basically we are doing TRAIL and ERROR method to get realistic shape. (Even though it is fairly understandable from just the top view but a good practice is, rotating that part and observing the flow of the curves and the surfaces along with the image) this helps a lot while making such type of areas.
After that, we have to introduce the connection between the wheel and horn, which is the Aluminum part. For this, we have made the same approach but here we will be making the surface with the curves rather than making the plane and then project trim it.
After finishing this we have tricky parts to cover up, one of which is the top transition,
The size of the ring is increasing and then decreasing taking the previous size so here we can also do a couple of things, but before that, we have to DETACH the surface where it is shown in the image, then make a RAIL and then align both, which is again simple but for some reasons, it was having some issues so here we have used alternative option which is using SKIN to make the transition again this will not be as good and not have the curvature we want, but for that, we can always use ALIGN option and retract the continuity we must select G2 (Curvature) since this is the only viable option. Similarly, we will do almost the same thing for the bottom side, consider the following image,
Now we have flat transition so we will again DETACH and then use RAIL for the flat part and then we can again make a second BI RAIL with 2 generations and one rail, then we will use align.
Now that this part is over the second tricky part is the THUMB REST or THUMB SECTION, but if we do it right we may not even have to make curves for everything. We can use SURFACE EDGES to generate the surfaces and here we have done the same thing we have used the middle ALuminum part and the Skinned surface and made a FREE FROM BLEND then we have aligned it to get the shape right, and for the remaining volume we can easily make SQUARE surfaces for that only we can make one curves to have 4 EDGES and then following the same thing i.e. making surfaces and align it with the corresponding surface. And at the end, we can use EXTEND and TRIM the excess surface that we do not want.
Complete model below -
Reflection for Better Understanding and Visualization -
Rendered Images -
Conclusion -
There are some parts where just visualization and imagination is not enough, we must have the knowledge and we must experience it in person to get the best results.
From the software, we have to use different techniques to achieve the form. Every time it will not be easy and straight to the point, we must think ahead and maintain a continuous workflow throughout the whole process.
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