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Yeshwanth N

To Be Odd ,Be Number One

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • ANSA
  • FEA


Computer Aided Design Engineer and Computer Aided Engineer in search of highly established firm that will allow me to further boost my career in the CAD and CAE field.

46 Projects

Meshing of Car Hood


Preprocessing of Hood Model Using Hypermesh   Objective : Make proper geometric clean up on the surfaces. To extarct a proper mid surface from the parent components. Maintain Proper mesh flow with less tria concentration. To achieve exact quality criteria as given in the question. Mesh the component properly with…


03 Jul 2021 10:51 AM IST

  • CAE
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3D Tetra Meshing


3D Tetra Meshing Housing Model Aim- To generate a 3D Tetra Mesh on the given component's by using different method's. Objective- Generate 3D tetra mesh by using 3 method's called Convertion of 2D element's into 3D element's. By doing Quick Tetra Mesh from user interface panel. By doing Volume Tetra Mesh from 3d panel.…


15 Jun 2021 06:27 PM IST

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Manual Mid Surfacing & Meshing of Car Backdoor


Manual Midsurfacing & Meshing of Car Backdoor   Objective : Make a proper geometric clean up on the surfaces if there is any damaged surfaces. To extract a proper mid surface from the parent components manually. Maintain a Proper mesh flow with less tria concentration. To achieve exact quality criteria as given…


26 May 2021 06:45 AM IST

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Creation of 1D Connectors


Creation of 1D Connector's Challenge.   Objective - To mesh the given frame assembly with 2D element's with a target element size of 5 units. Use different types of Connection techniques and Deploy connector's to the component's as per given below. How to debug the connector's,If they are failing. Right_Rail_2…


15 Jun 2021 06:27 PM IST

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Batch Meshing and Assigning Non-Linear Material to the Component's.


Batch Meshing and Assigning Non-Linear Material to the Component's.   Objective - To perform a batch mesh for the given component's. To assign a non-linear material and property cards for the component's. To create a parrameter and criteria file for batch meshing. Procedure - Hood Model Phase 1-Importing  Hence…


31 May 2021 05:45 AM IST

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Comparison of Manual Mesh, Batch Mesh, Casting (Mid Mesh).  


Comparison of Manual Mesh,Batch Mesh,Casting (Mid Mesh).   Aim - To Mesh the given component by manual mesh,by batch mesh method and by casting (Mid Mesh method) and to compare three of them. Objective - To do geometric clean up on the component. To extract midsurface by manually using offset tool,by using skin tool.…


28 Jul 2021 06:54 PM IST

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 Morphing & TCL Command File Creation 


 Morphing & TCL Command File Creation    Aim -  To Morph the given side body component to the desired shape as given in the reference image and write a Macros for the same morphing operation. Objective -  To do morphing operation for the given side body component. To write a…


02 Jun 2021 12:19 PM IST

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Project 1-Meshing of Car Side Door Inner Panel


The meshing of Car Side Door [Inner Panel]   Aim - To perform preprocessing on the given car side door [Inner Panel] plastic component using hypermesh preprocessing software.   Objective - To generate the mid surface manually and do a geometry clean up on the component. To generate a mesh and to get a proper…


18 Dec 2021 06:50 PM IST

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Project 2-Meshing of Rear Wheel Holder [Stepney Spare Wheel Floor Panel]


Meshing of Rear Wheel Holder [Spare Wheel Floor Panel]   Aim - To perform preprocessing on the given Rear Wheel Holder [Spare Wheel Floor Panel] Sheet Metal component using hypermesh preprocessing software.   Objective - To generate the mid surface manually and do a geometry clean up on the component.…


18 Dec 2021 06:32 PM IST

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2D meshing for Sheet Metal Component [Car Hood]


2D Meshing for Car Hood [SheetMetal Component]   Aim - To do a Pre-Processing on a given hood model using ANSA Software [Version 19.1.4]. Objective - To check the geometrical errors on the hood model. To extract a mid surface on the components such as Inner Extract,Outer Extract,Latch Reinforcement Extract and two Hinge…


05 Jul 2021 09:04 AM IST

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2D meshing for Plastic Component [Bottle Cap]


2D Meshing for Bottle Cap [Plastic Component] Aim - To do a Pre-Processing on a given Bottle Cap model using ANSA Software [Version 19.1.4]. Objective - To check the geometrical errors on the Bottle Cap model. To extract a mid surface on the component. To generate 2D mesh on the component based upon the quality criteria…


29 Aug 2021 05:30 AM IST

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Static Structural Analysis on the Buckle Clip


Static Structural Analysis on the Buckle Clip :   Aim - To perform static structural analysis on the Buckle Clip, and solve for Von Misses Equivalent stress, Equivalent Elastic Strain, and Total Deformation.    Objective : To perform a Structural Analysis on the Buckle and Clip for the two cases with the…


27 Nov 2021 07:29 AM IST

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Solid Meshing [Tetra Mesh] of a Car Rear View Mirror  


  Solid Meshing [Tetra Mesh] of Car Rear View Mirror   Aim - To do a pre-processing on Car Rear View Mirror using ANSA Software [Version 19.1.4]. Objective - To check the geometrical errors on the Car Rear View Mirror model. To Provide Mesh Parameters and Quality Criteria. To generate 2D mesh on the surfaces…


16 Jul 2021 01:21 PM IST

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Roof Crash Simulation on Car BIW


Roof Crash Simulation    Aim - To run the roof crash simulation on the neon car model and plot the graphs for the neon car model in post processing.   Objective - To translate the impactor to the desired location as per the question. To create a Type 7 contact interface between impactor and car. To create…


13 Oct 2021 12:29 PM IST

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    Deploying Connectors for Rear Door of a Car


    Deploying Connectors for a Rear Door of a Car   Aim - To Deploy a appropriate connectors for a Rear Door of a Car. Objective - Creating a property id's for door hinges and deploy a bolt connectors. Creating RBE2 1D Elements for bolt joints. Creating RBE3-CBUSH-RBE3 element for the weather strips. Creating RBE3-HEXA-RBE3…


    22 Jul 2021 08:49 AM IST

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    Morphing on CAD Geometry


    Morphing on CAD Geometry Aim - To Perform Morphing Operation on Given Component. Objective - To Perform Morphing on Geometry using Box Morphing. To Perform Morphing on Model 2 to increase the heights of the Rectangular Ribs and Circular Ribs. Theoretical FrameWork - Morphing- Morph is a very helpful tool for Shape modifications.…


    30 Jul 2021 09:53 AM IST

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    Project 1 - 2D meshing on the instrumental Panel


    2D meshing on the instrumental Panel   Aim - To perform mid surface extraction and 2D meshing on the instrument panel according to the given quality criteria. Objective - To do geometric cleanup on the component. To generate a mid surface from the parent component. To Mesh the component according to the given quality criteria.…


    17 Aug 2021 11:44 AM IST

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    Project 2 - Meshing on the Rear Suspension Assembly


    Shell and Solid Meshing of Suspension Assembly   Aim - To perform shell and solid meshing of an rear suspension assembly. To deploy connections in necessary regions. Objective - To do geometric cleanup on the component. To extract a mid surface for the components,If the thickness is less than 5mm. Giving appropriate…


    22 Aug 2021 06:17 PM IST

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    Assignment 1-2D Meshing Challenge


    2D Meshing   Aim - To perform pre processing on the given three models according to the given requirements using hypermesh pre processing software. Objective - To do geometric clean up on the given three models. To extract a mid surface for all the given three models. Defeaturing the edge fillets. To do geometric…


    27 Aug 2021 12:58 PM IST

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    Assignment 2-RADIOSS Engine File Editing & 3D Meshing Challenge


    Aim - To calculate the values and to edit the engine file with that values. To perform volume mesh on the given components housing model and arm bracket model. Objective - To calculate the speed of sound in steel rail. To calculate the time for sound to travel over length of the rail. To edit the engine file. To perform…


    08 Sep 2021 07:52 AM IST

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    Assignment 3-2D Element Formulation Challenge


    2D Element Formulation   Aim- To run the simulation for the given component with and without changing the recommended element parameters using a radioss solver. Objective- To change the run time to 55 ms and to change the number of animation steps to 60. To run the base simulation with default element parameters.…


    16 Sep 2021 06:08 AM IST

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    Assignment 4-RADIOSS Material Laws Challenge


    RADIOSS Material Laws    Aim - To run the simualtion for the plate and rigid ball by using Jhonson Cook Material and Elasto Plastic Material with Brittle Failure as per the cases given in the question by using Radioss solver.  Objective - Run the simulation for all the 7 cases as given in the question.…


    21 Sep 2021 07:52 AM IST

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    Assignment 5-RADIOSS Interfaces & Study of Effect of Notches Challenge


    RADIOSS Interfaces & Study of Effect of Notches   Aim - To run the crash tube model by using differnt types of contact interfaces. Mesh the given crash tube model with 6mm size. Objective - Run the crash tube model with and without changing the parameters. Remove the notches from the crash tube model,Remove the…


    01 Oct 2021 10:17 AM IST

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    Frontal Crash Simulation on Car BIW


    Frontal Crash Simulation    Aim - To run a simulation for the frontal crash [BIW] and to obtain a results in the post processing.   Objective - To check the unit system in the solver. To create an appropriate interface ,friction 0.2 and recommended parameters. To check for the penetrations and intersections.…


    13 Oct 2021 12:19 PM IST

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      Side Pole Crash Simulation on Car BIW


      Side Pole Crash Simulation  Aim : To run a simulation for the Neon Side Pole Crash and to obtain the results in the post processing. Objective :   To check the unit system in the solver. To create an appropriate interface with friction 0.2 and recommended parameters. To check for the penetrations and intersections…


      04 Jan 2022 10:13 AM IST

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        Stress Concentration on a Plate with Hole


         Stress Concentration on a Plate with Hole   Aim - To perform static analysis on the two models of a rectangular plate with a single hole and multi-holes.   Objective - To design a rectangular plate with single and multi holes in space claim for the following cases Case 1: Length=300mm, height=120mm, thickness=30mm,…


        03 Nov 2021 03:48 PM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on Spur Gear


        Static Structural Analysis on Spur Gear    Aim : Run the simulation for the spur gear with different materials and find out the Total Deformation, Equivalent stress, and Stress Intensity.   Objective :   To perform a Structural Analysis on the spur gear for all three cases with different materials such…


        03 Nov 2021 03:48 PM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on Bevel Gear


        Static Structural Analysis on the Bevel Gear :   Aim - To perform static structural analysis on the Bevel Gear and solve for Von Misses Equivalent stress,Equivalent Elastic Strain and Total Deformation.   Objective : To perform a Structural Analysis on the Bevel Gear for all three cases with the material…


        04 Nov 2021 06:31 AM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on Rail Wheel and Track


        Static Structural Analysis on the Rail Wheel and Track :   Aim - To perform static structural analysis on the Rail Wheel and Track,and solve for Von Misses Equivalent stress,Equivalent Elastic Strain and Total Deformation.   Objective : To perform a Structural Analysis on the Rail Wheel and Track for the two…


        05 Nov 2021 01:54 PM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on the Weld Joints


        Static Structural Analysis on Weld Joints :   Aim : To perform static structural analysis on the welding model using three different weld materials.   Objective : To define three different materials for the welding Model. To define appropriate material to the component. To define connection between the contact…


        06 Nov 2021 06:22 AM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on the Sheet Metal Bending Model


        Static Structural Analysis on the Sheet Metal Bending :   Aim : To perform static structural analysis on the sheet metal bending model with different materials and with different frictional values to find out the Equivalent Von Misses Stress,Total Deformation and Equivalent Elastic Strain results and compare them.…


        07 Nov 2021 07:55 AM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on the Rolling Operation on a WorkPiece Made Up of Copper.


        Static Structural Analysis on the Rolling Operation on a WorkPiece Made Up of Copper.   Aim : To perform Static Structural Analysis on the Rolling Operation on a WorkPiece made of Copper.   Objective : To make modifications to the rolling operation model in Space Claim. To define appropriate material to the Rolling…


        07 Nov 2021 03:57 PM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on the Wire Bending Model


        Static Structural Analysis on the Wire Bending Model.   Aim : To perform Static Structural Analysis on the Wire Bending Model with three different materials.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials to the Wire Bending Model. To define connections between them. To perform mesh on the Wire Bending Model.…


        09 Nov 2021 06:13 PM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on the Sphere


        Static Structural Analysis on the Sphere :   Aim - To perform static structural analysis over the flat plate using Structural Steel Material.   Objective : To define appropriate materials to the Sphere and Plate. To define contact between the Sphere and Plate. To perform mesh on the Sphere and Plate. To define…


        12 Nov 2021 05:52 AM IST

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        Static Structural Analysis on the iPhone


        Static Structural Analysis on the iPhone :   Aim : To perform static structural analysis on the iPhone using Aluminium Alloy Material.   Objective : To define appropriate material for the iPhone. To define contacts for the iPhone model. To perform mesh on the iPhone model. To Move the bottom fingers from their…


        16 Nov 2021 07:45 AM IST

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        Transient Structural Analysis on the Long Piston and Cam Model 


        Transient Structural Analysis on the Long Piston and Cam Model    Aim : To perform Transient Structural Analysis on the Long Piston and Cam Model with three different materials.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials to the Piston and Cam Model. To define connections between them. To perform…


        27 Nov 2021 04:03 PM IST

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        Transient Structural Analysis on the Slider Crank Mechanism Model


        Transient Structural Analysis on the Slider Crank Mechanism Model   Aim : To perform Transient Structural Analysis on the Slider Crank Mechanism.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials to the Slider Crank Mechanism Model. To define connections between them. To perform mesh on the Slider Crank Mechanism…


        28 Nov 2021 01:27 PM IST

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        Transient Structural Analysis on the Universal Joint 


        Transient Structural Analysis on the Universal Joint    Aim : To perform Transient Structural Analysis on the Universal Joint.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials to the Universal Joint Model. To define connections between them. To perform mesh on the Universal Joint Model. To define…


        30 Nov 2021 04:47 AM IST

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        Transient Structural Analysis on the Worm Gear


        Transient Structural Analysis on the Worm Gear   Aim : To perform Transient Structural Analysis on the Worm Gear.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials for the Worm Gear Model. To define connections between them. To perform mesh on the Worm Gear Model. To define appropriate Boundary Conditions…


        30 Nov 2021 06:48 AM IST

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        Explicit Dynamic Analysis on the Machining Planer Model


        Explicit Dynamic Analysis on the Machining Planer   Aim : To perform Explicit Dynamics Analysis on the Machining Planer.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials for the Machining Planer Model. To define connections between them. To perform mesh on the Machining Planer Model. To define appropriate…


        30 Nov 2021 11:04 AM IST

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          Explicit Dynamic Analysis on the Tension and Torsion Test Specimen


          Explicit Dynamic Analysis on the Tension and Torsion Test Specimen :   Aim : To perform Explicit Dynamic Analysis on the Tension and Torsion Test Model.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials for the Tension and Torsion Model. To define connections between them. To perform mesh on the Tension…


          30 Nov 2021 01:28 PM IST

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            Explicit Dynamics Analysis for Bullet Penetrating on a Bucket


            Explicit Dynamics Analysis for Bullet Penetrating on a Bucket :   Aim : To perform Explicit Dynamic Analysis for Bullet Penetrating on a Bucket Model.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials for the Bullet Penetrating on a Bucket Model. To define connections between them. To perform mesh for a Bullet…


            01 Dec 2021 05:03 AM IST

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              Explicit Dynamic Analysis on a Car


              Explicit Dynamic Analysis on Car Crash    Aim : To perform Explicit Dynamic Analysis on Car Crash Model.   Objective :  To define appropriate materials for the Car Crash Model. To perform symmetry operation. To define the Body-Interaction connection between them. To perform mesh on a Car Crash…


              01 Dec 2021 07:58 AM IST

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                Introduction to HyperMesh and TCL 


                Introduction to HyperMesh and TCL    Aim : To do some basic steps to know about Tcl/Tk scripting in Hypermesh.   Objective : To Install “code writing tools” of our choice To Create a dummy tcl file and assign it to a key (Ctrl +1) To Set our keyboard shortcuts and export the settings file. To…


                02 Dec 2021 06:17 AM IST

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                  Finding the Component Name for Deleted Element by Tcl/Tk Code


                  Finding the component name for deleted element :   Aim : To find the component name for the deleted element.   Procedure : Open any model in the hypermesh and write a code to find the component name for the deleted element. Here I have opened the hood model in hypermesh, Which is shown in below Figure 1.  …


                  24 Dec 2021 06:38 AM IST

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                    Creating GUI of the calculator


                    Creating the calculator GUI :   Aim : To create a simple addition and subtraction window in hypermesh by writing Tcl/Tk code as shown in below Figure 1. Figure 1-Addition and Subtraction Window. To press the corresponding buttons in the addition and subtraction window, So the text boxes should indicate…


                    29 Dec 2021 09:14 AM IST

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                      Showing 1 of 46 projects

                      4 Course Certificates


                      HyperMesh for FEA Plastic and Sheet Metal Applications

                      Certificate UID: 0z3p9xlsvm5jneg4
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                      Preprocessor for Structural Analysis using ANSA

                      Certificate UID: 0uzfr3enp17mvdhk
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                      Crashworthiness Analysis using HyperMesh and Radioss

                      Certificate UID: 6y74fqhsu53e9kxo
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                      Introduction to Structural Analysis using ANSYS Workbench

                      Certificate UID: xhfvt3kz216ngasc
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                      Showing 1 of 4 certificates

                      14 Workshop Certificates


                      Computational Fluid Dynamics

                      Certificate UID: 4pumhj16bi
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                      Practical Approach Towards Structural Analysis using CAE

                      Certificate UID: k623h8fu7c
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                      Exploring the Niche -High-Performance Computing

                      Certificate UID: 96kdxuzh0a
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                      Automotive Plastic Design

                      Certificate UID: 10ka564iz8
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                      Introduction to Tolerance Stack-up Analysis

                      Certificate UID: cyn529ogwi
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                      Introduction to automotive NVH

                      Certificate UID: ok1bp8uzdy
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                      Single Track Linear Model for Lateral Vehicle Dynamics

                      Certificate UID: 5jnxp2y3q6
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                      Trimmed body NVH

                      Certificate UID: yq71jpuxh5
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                      Electronic cooling simulation

                      Certificate UID: rl0peu7b98
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                      Factory Automation Industry 4.0

                      Certificate UID: zh7pm6kwbl
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                      Automotive Lighting Design using Catia V5

                      Certificate UID: mo5tju3s14
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                      Aero Structures

                      Certificate UID: aom32tug78
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                      Essentials of CFD

                      Certificate UID: u1wlq9s5zf
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                      CATIA V5 Automation using Visual Basic

                      Certificate UID: vc8b0ply2a
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                      Showing 1 of 14 certificates

                      Academic Qualification


                      Karpagam College of Engineering

                      01 Aug 2017 - 02 Mar 2023


                      Sri Saraswathy Vidhyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School

                      01 Jun 2016 - 27 Mar 2017


                      Sri Saraswathy Vidhyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School

                      01 Jun 2014 - 31 Mar 2015

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