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Aravind Subramanian

Masters Certification in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • FEA


Mechanical Engineering with 1-year experience in design, analysis and fabrication of EV powertrain. The Design and Analysis of a BLDC motor(Outrunner, Inrunner motor) using Motor-CAD. I have strong experience in preprocessing tools such as ANSA. I can setup multi-physics based simulations using ANSYS Fluent and CONVERGE and structural analysis using Ansys workbench. I have coded solvers, PDF's, and automated processes in MATLAB. The ability to perform Modelling, assembly and drafting using CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Creo Parametric.

75 Projects



#STALAGMITE FUNCTION %stalagmite function function f=stalagmite(input_vector) x=input_vector(1); y=input_vector(2); term_1 = (sin(5.1*pi*x + 0.5)).^6; term_2 = (sin(5.1*pi*y + 0.5)).^6; term_3 = exp((-4*log(2)*((x-0.0667).^2))/(0.64)); term_4 = exp((-4*log(2)*((y-0.0667).^2))/(0.64)); a=(term_1.*term_2.*term_3.*term_4);…


23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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    Shock tube Simulation using CONVERGE


    SITUATION          The separation of two regions having high & low-pressure fluid by a diaphragm. The two-fluid gets mixed when the diaphragm breaks and flow simulation is done in the CONVERGE studio and post-processes the results in Para view and CYGWIN was used to run the commands for simulation…


    17 Sep 2019 12:28 PM IST

    • CFD
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    Characteristics of Induction Motor


    1. Equivalent circuit network of induction motor MATLAB model. The above diagram represents the equivalent circuit of induction motor, the scalar voltage of the 3-phase is the same only they differ by phase shift so the per-phase voltage applied to the motor. Stator & rotor are two main parts in the Induction motor.…


    28 Apr 2020 08:44 AM IST

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    Steady state simulation through a Throttle body


                                         Steady Flow Simulation through a Throttle SITUATION           The flow of air through a throttle body in Converge studio and post-processes the results in ParaView…


    23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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    SI Engine vs CI Engine Calibration using GT Power


    AIM        The objective of the project is to compare the SI vs CI Engine parameters for the BSFC, Exhaust temperature and A/F ratio. Change the MFB 50 and observe the impact on performance. PROCEDURE          The GT Power has various tutorial files that are used to find the…


    23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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      Combustion characterization of Methane fuel in Ansys Fluent


      OBJECTIVE        The objective of the project is to perform a combustion simulation of air and fuel mixture. The effect of the addition of water content into the fuel on the formation of Nox and soot. Assumptions The parameters are axis symmetrical about the x-axis so the model is reduced from 3D model…


      30 Mar 2020 08:17 AM IST

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        Cyclinder Flow Model Mesh


        Objective       The objective of the project is to mesh a cyclinder model in the ANSA software with a element size of 1 unit. Procedure : Import File          The cyclinder is imported in export format into ANSA software. The wireframe model of the file.  Activate the shadow…


        23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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        Simulation flow through a pipe by varying the wedge angle


        OBJECTIVE  Write a program in Matlab that can generate the computational mesh automatically for any wedge angle and grading schemes. To simulate for internal laminar flow through the pipe and compute the velocity profiles at various sections and set up the sufficient length of the pipe so that the flow is fully developed.…


        23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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        Drag Force of Bicycle Rider


        % Drag force calculation by varying velocity % Inputs% density Kg/m^3 rho = 1.225 % area m^2  a= 0.32% velocity m/s v = [1:50] % drag coefficient cd = 0.88 % Drag force F = 0.5*rho*a*v.*v.*cd plot(v,F,'color','b') xlabel('Velocity') ylabel('Dragforce') grid on % Drag force calculation by varying velocity % Density…


        23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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          Generate volumetric mesh for Turbocharger


          OBJECTIVE :      The perform volumetric mesh on the Turbocharger using different tools available in the ANSA.       Different topological errors in the geometry are cleaned up.      The surface mesh is created using meshing tools.      The volumetric mesh…


          23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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          Prantyl Meyer Shock wave problem


          SITUATION              To simulate a supersonic flow through a Duct channel having the sharp corners to observe the formation of shock waves in converge studio and post-processes the results in Para View and CYGWIN was used to run the commands for the simulation and converting the output…


          23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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          Various Turbocharger application in GT Power


          1. Different types of Turbocharger  Fixed Geometry turbocharger - The amount of exhaust gas into the turbocharger cannot be varied, the turbocharger is optimized for the particular operating condition & the turbine size and/or A/R ratio tend to be relatively large for a given application because of the need to…


          29 Oct 2019 04:38 AM IST

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          Induction motor braking energy and efficiency contour


          OBJECTIVE The aim of the project is used to create a Matlab program for motor speed, torque and efficiency values.  TASK For a defined driving cycle, calculate the energy required for braking. Why electric motor can’t develop braking torque at high speed similar to starting? How electric and mechanical brakes…


          03 May 2020 12:12 AM IST

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          Perform Surface Mesh on BMW M6 model by clearing the Topological errors & Create wind tunnel.


          OBJECTIVE       The objective of this project is to clean up the topological errors in the parts of the BMW M6 model and then perform the surface mesh on the BMW model. Create a wind tunnel for the BMW M6 model to simulate the movement of the air over the vehicle. PROCEDURE        The…


          23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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          SI Engine Calibration using GT Power


          AIM         The objective of the project is to calculate the various parameters of the engine at a particular rpm for a single-cylinder engine.         Increase the power output by 10% at 3600 rpm by varying different parameters of the engine. PROCEDURE       …


          23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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            Wide Open Throttle response of GM Electric Car


            1. There are three types of vehicle weight. Curb weight -  It is the total mass of a vehicle with standard equipment and all necessary operating parts. Payload - The weight of the passengers & additional load added to the vehicle. Gross vehicle weight - Sum of the Curb & payload of the vehicle.   …


            05 May 2020 03:14 AM IST

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              Steady and Unsteady 2D Heat Conduction


              STEADY STATE ANALYSIS FOR 2D HEAT CONDUCTION 1. JACOBI METHOD In the jacobi method the value of the (xi)k  obtained in the kth iteration remain unchanged until the entire (k+1)th iteration has been calculated. The value during iteration are used are from the previous iteration so the number of iteration is higher…


              23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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              Simulation of Super Sonic Nozzle Flow using Mac-Cormack Method


               Calculating Time Step     For the solution to be stable, the concept of CFL number is used. For linear Hyperbolic equation, the value of CFL < 1 will be stable solution. The time step for each iteration is calculated so that the result must be stable.              …


              23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                Compute higher order approximations using skewed and central scheme using Taylor's table method


                FUNCTION OF DIFFERENT SCHEME 1) CENTRAL DIFFERENCE SCHEME  The function is to find analytical derivative of the exp(x)*cos(x) of second order and compare it with central method to compute the error. In the central difference method the values are taken from both the sides of the grid points & used where both sides…


                23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                  Parsing NASA Thermodynamic Data


                  The equations to calculate the properties of the species are: The FIRST 7 coefficients are HIGH-temperature coefficients and the SECOND 7 coefficients are LOW- temperature coefficients. We have to use the Local Temperature Range instead of the Global Temperature Range, since Local Temperature…


                  23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                    Conjugate Heat Transfer analysis on a Exhaust port using Ansys fluent


                    Conjugate heat transfer Conjugate heat transfer (CHT) is used to describe processes which involve variations of temperature within solids and fluids, due to thermal interaction between the solids and fluids. The exchange of thermal energy between the two physical bodies is called the study of Heat transfer, the rate of…


                    22 Feb 2020 03:07 PM IST

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                      Robotic Arm


                      % forward kinematics l1=1; l2=0.5; theta1=(0:5:90); theta2=(0:10:90); % coordinates for i = 1:length(theta1); THETA1=theta1(i); for j= 1:length(theta2) THETA2=theta2(j); ct=1; x0=0; y0=0; x1 =l1*cosd(THETA1); y1 =l1*sind(THETA1); x2 =x1+l2*cosd(THETA2); y2 =y1+l2*sind(THETA2); % plotting plot([x0,x1],[y0,y1],[x1,x2],[y1,y2],'linewidth',3)…


                      23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                        Simulation of Cyclone Separator in Ansys Fluent


                        OBJECTIVE       To perform an analysis on the cyclone separator model using four different boundary conditions & also vary the number of particles through the inlet. Cyclone Separator  It is a method of removing particulates from an air, gas or liquid stream, without the use of filters, through…


                        26 Mar 2020 05:50 AM IST

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                        Curve fitting


                        In this project, I have shown graph value of the polynomial curve-fitting by 1-3 degree . Greater the degree of the polynomial, better will be the fit, however, with higher orders, shows error. Calculating the RMS value between the estimated and the original plot gives a rough idea of the best-suited curve within a particular…


                        23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                          Simulation of Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis on a graphics card


                          OBJECTIVE        To Perform a steady-state conjugate heat transfer analysis on a graphics card & Identify the hotspots in the model. TASK        1. Find out the maximum temperature attained by the processor.       2. Prove that the simulation has achieved convergence.…


                          22 Mar 2020 11:14 AM IST

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                            Flow simulation over a Ahmed body using Ansys fluent


                            OBJECTIVE           The aim of the project is to perform a flow analysis over an Ahmed body and perform a grid dependence test by varying the mesh around the Ahmed body. Ahmed Body           Ahmed body is a generic car body (a simplified car model) i.e the flow of…


                            20 Feb 2020 10:10 AM IST

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                              Block Mesh Drill down Using Open Foam


                              OBJECTIVE :        The objective of the project is to create a backward facing step using icoFoam solver to stimulate it, the analysis of the transient solver for incompressible under which cavity is used to create the vertices, blocks & boundary for the facing step. Openfoam case file is manipulated…


                              23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                              Conjugate heat transfer flow simulation using CONVERGE


                              SITUATION         The flow of air through a solid pipe & it is heated through an external heat source in converge studio and post-processes the results in Para View and CYGWIN was used to run the commands for simulation and converting the files for the post-processer.  TASK    …


                              23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                              Literature review RANS derivation and analysis


                              Challenge 8 : Literature review RANS derivation and analysis Project Report :


                              23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                Duty cycle challenge


                                1. Why power electronics circuits are efficient? In practice, which types of losses occur in power electronics circuits?     Power Electronics is the study of switching electronic circuits in order to control the flow of electrical energy. Power Electronics is the technology behind switching power supplies,…


                                23 Apr 2020 02:01 PM IST

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                                Structural Meshing of the Hood using ANSA


                                OBJECTIVE         To clean up the geometry of the Hood and mesh the geometry with the element size of 5mm. The different parameters for the mesh quality are set to check the quality of the mesh. PROCEDURE          Import the geometry into the ANSA and unselect the macros…


                                23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                Transient flow simulation through throttle


                                                            Transient Flow Simulation through a Throttle SITUATION         The flow of air through a throttle body in Converge studio and post-processes the results in ParaView and CYGWIN was used to run…


                                23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                Meshing Pressure Value Model using different Element Size


                                OBJECTIVE          The Pressure value model is to be imported, error & missing components in the model are to be corrected and then mesh the value using three different element sizes (i.e)15 units, 7 units & 2 units. Interpret the results to identify the best mesh size value. PROCEDURE …


                                23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                  Surface wrap of Power train Components using ANSA


                                            OBJECTIVE         The objective of this project is to surface wrap the parts of the powertrain and delete the geometry and compress the file. Then combine the parts by importing it in one common file and convert them into a single volume entity by creating a seamless…


                                  23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                  First Assignment


                                  INTRODUCTION The foundation of GT-SUITE is a versatile multi-physics platform for constructing models of general systems based on many underlying fundamental libraries: Flow library (any fluid, gas or liquid or mixture) Acoustics library (both non-linear and linear) Thermal library (all types of heat transfer) Mechanical…


                                  23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                  Simulation of a SI Engine using CONVERGE Studio


                                  SITUATION           To study the PFI Engine performance characteristics by setting up the spray modeling & combustion modeling in the CONVERGE studio and post-process the results in the Paraview and CYGWIN was used to run the commands for the simulation. TASK To find the compression ratio…


                                  23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                  Solving Pendulum 2nd order ODE


                                  AIM   The aim of the project is to create MATLAB program to solve the ODE which represent the equation of the motion of the simple pendullum with damping. Second order differential equation :                               In the above…


                                  23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                  Simulation of Sloshing effect in Gearbox using Ansys fluent


                                  AIM      To analyze the sloshing of gears inside the gearbox due to the meshing of the gears for the fluids with different clearances between the gears.  TASK       The four types of cases are done in this project using two fluids & two clearance between the gears. The two fluids…


                                  18 Mar 2020 02:00 PM IST

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                                    Parametric Study of a Gate Valve using Ansys Fluent


                                    OBJECTIVE          The aim of the project is to perform a parametric study on the gate value by varying the opening from 10% to 90%. TASK Obtain the mass flow rates at the outlet for each design point. Calculate the flow coefficient and flow factor for each opening and plot the graph. Gate…


                                    03 Apr 2020 04:51 AM IST

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                                      Simulation of flow through a pipe using Open Foam


                                      OBJECTIVE  Write a program in Matlab that can generate the computational mesh automatically for any wedge angle and grading schemes. To simulate for internal laminar flow through the pipe and compute the velocity profiles at various sections and set up the sufficient length of the pipe so that the flow is fully developed.…


                                      23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                      Rankine Cycle


                                      RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR: The Rankine cycle or Rankine Vapor Cycle is the process widely used by power plants such as coal-fired power plants or nuclear reactors. In this mechanism, a fuel is used to produce heat within a boiler, converting water into steam which…


                                      23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                      Discretization of Intake manifold using GT Gem 3D


                                      AIM       The objective of the project is to compare the results by varying the discretization length and convert the 3D model to the 1D model for an intake manifold. Model     The discretization length is set as a parameter in which the default value is set to the 0.4*length and in case 2…


                                      10 Jan 2020 02:46 PM IST

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                                        Perform a Structural Analysis in an Instrument Panel Substrate using ANSA


                                        OBJECTIVE            To clean up the geometry of the Instrument panel part and extract the mid surface using manual and auto-generated tools. Mesh the geometry with an element size of 5mm and separate the FE model of it. The different parameters for the mesh quality are set to check the quality…


                                        23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                        PV cycle of petrol engine and its effiency


                                        % state variable gamma = 1.4; p1 = 101325; t1 = 500; t3 = 2000; % engine parameters bore = 100; stroke = 100; con_rod = 150; cr = 12; %calculate swept and clearance volume v_swept = (pi/4)*bore^2*stroke; v_clearance = v_swept/(cr-1); % variables @1&2 v1 = v_swept+v_clearance; v2 = v_clearance; p2 = p1*(cr^gamma); t2…


                                        23 Oct 2019 04:58 AM IST

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                                          Emission Characteristic of the CAT3410 Diesel engine


                                          SITUATION           To study the Emission characterization on a CAT3410 engine & combustion modeling in the CONVERGE studio and post-process the results in the Paraview and CYGWIN was used to run the commands for the simulation. TASK i) To make a cut section of the engine for two…


                                          14 Nov 2019 12:31 PM IST

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                                          Rayleigh Taylor Instability Simulation


                                          OBJECTIVE          The aim of the project is to perform Rayleigh Taylor instability for two fluids one dense and light fluid at the simulation is done to check the variation at the interface when gravity is present. TASK           Perform a grid dependence test on the 2D…


                                          02 Mar 2020 09:15 PM IST

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                                          Project-1: Powertrain for aircraft in runways


                                          1. list out the total weight of various types of aircraft.  Maximum taxi weight (MTW) The maximum taxi weight is the maximum weight authorized for maneuvering (taxiing or towing) an aircraft on the ground as limited by aircraft strength and airworthiness requirements. It includes the weight of taxi and run-up fuel…


                                          24 May 2020 04:08 PM IST

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                                            Assignment 1


                                            OBJECTIVE  The aim of the project is to clean up the geometry for the given files & mesh the compound by creating a mid surface and assign proper thickness & generic property. Case Setup Model - 1                                …


                                            23 Jun 2020 02:26 PM IST

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                                              Assignment 2


                                              Objective  The objective of the project is to calculate the time taken for the sound to travel and perform 3D mesh for the model. 1. Check the material properties of the rail component and calculate the speed of sound in steel rail                        …


                                              10 Jul 2020 07:16 PM IST

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                                                Assignment 3


                                                Objective The aim of the project is to analyze the crash beam file by setting up different property conditions for the file and report on the results. Task The baseline of the file is run and then the property parameters are set and the analysis is run. The energy error and mass error checks and results are compared. …


                                                14 Jul 2020 04:33 PM IST

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                                                  Assignment 4


                                                  Objective The aim of the project is to run 7 different cases for the given model and vary the parameter for the material & infer the results on each case. Law 1 Law 1 defines an isotropic, linear elastic material using Hooke's law. This law represents a linear relationship between stress and strain. It is available…


                                                  11 Aug 2020 05:37 PM IST

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                                                    Assignment 5


                                                    Objective The aim of the project is to create a 2D mesh for the bumper assembly and run the analysis of a crash tube by varying the kinematics conditions & create the notches in the model & compare the results. Task Create a 2D mesh for the bumper assembly of mesh size 6mm. Run the crash tube model as it is. Change…


                                                    13 Sep 2020 12:34 PM IST

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                                                      Week 1 Understanding Different Battery Chemistry


                                                      Objective The aim of the project is to create a list of reaction which occurs in the different types of lithium ion cells. i) LCO Chemistry -  Lithium Cobalt Oxide & Materials - Lithium, Cobalt oxide, Graphite. Lithium ion batteries work by using the transfer of lithium ions and electrons from the…


                                                      19 Sep 2020 06:37 PM IST

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                                                        Assignment 6


                                                        Crash Analysis A crash simulation is a virtual recreation of a destructive crash test of a car or a highway guard rail system using a computer simulation to examine the level of safety of the car and its occupants. Crash simulations are used by automakers during CAE analysis for crashworthiness in the CAD process…


                                                        03 Oct 2020 04:36 PM IST

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                                                          Assignment 7


                                                          Crash Analysis A crash simulation is a virtual recreation of a destructive crash test of a car or a highway guard rail system using a computer simulation in order to examine the level of safety of the car and its occupants. Crash simulations are used by automakers during CAE analysis for crashworthiness in the…


                                                          03 Oct 2020 04:38 PM IST

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                                                            Week 5 Battery characteristics using drive cycle


                                                            Aim The aim of the project is create a generic battery model of charge discharge using UDDS data. Matlab model Simulink block Drive cycle source - 1. Longitudinal driver - 1. Constant HDL coder - 1. Constant Simulink - 2. Constant voltage source - 2. Constant PWM source - 1. Solver configuration - 1. Electrical reference…


                                                            27 Nov 2020 05:23 PM IST

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                                                              Week 8 Multi cell Battery Pack


                                                              A battery stack is limited in performance by the lowest capacity cell in the stack. once the weakest cell is depleted, the entire stack is effectively depleted. The health of each individual battery cell in the stack is determined based on its state of charge (SoC) measurement, which measures the ratio of its remaining…


                                                              08 Dec 2020 03:04 PM IST

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                                                                Week 6 Fuel cell powered vehicle model


                                                                Aim The aim of the project is to create a matlab model for a fuel cell powered electric vehicle. Matlab model The drive cycle is used as the input for the model the flow rate selector has two input drive cycle & flow rate regulator. The ramp & flow rate is the output from the selector. The switch provides the output based…


                                                                08 Dec 2020 03:05 PM IST

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                                                                  Week 7 State of charge estimation


                                                                  What is Coulomb counting The Coulomb counting method measures the discharging current of a battery and integrates the discharging current over time in order to estimate SOC. The SOC is expressed as  the ratio of available capacity to the nominal one. The common equation to calculate the SOC is given by Eq. (1), where the…


                                                                  08 Dec 2020 03:05 PM IST

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                                                                    Week 10 Thermal Management


                                                                    Air CoolingAir systems use air as the thermal medium. The intake air could be direct either from atmosphere or from the cabin and could also be conditioned air after a heater or evaporator of an air conditioner. The former is called passive air system and the latter is active air system. Active systems can offer…


                                                                    09 Dec 2020 03:08 PM IST

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                                                                      Project 1 Mechanical design of battery pack


                                                                      AIM The objective of the project is to create a 18 kWh battery using ANR26650M1-B cells & prepare a detailed battery pack drawing along with its enclosure. Battery pack It is a set of any number of identical batteries or individual battery cells. They may be configured in a series, parallel or a mixture of both…


                                                                      27 Dec 2020 04:28 PM IST

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                                                                        Project 2 Thermal modeling of battery pack


                                                                        AIM The objective of the project is to create a 10 cell series lithium ion battery model, simulate the thermal effects and compare life cycle performance at various temperatures, charge & discharge rates using MATLAB. Matlab model Simulink block Battery - 10. Bus selector - 1. Scope - 4. Go to - 3. Display - 2.…


                                                                        30 Dec 2020 01:25 PM IST

                                                                          Read more

                                                                          Project 1 (Mini Project on Vehicle Direction Detection


                                                                          SITUATION       The objective of the project is to create a Simulink model for the Vehicle direction detection application for the automobile.  TASK The two inputs are Camera and steering wheel direction which are fed into the system. Camera reads the road signs & stores into its memory with unique…


                                                                          09 Apr 2021 03:41 AM IST

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                                                                            Week 3 - Geometry simplification of an Electronic enclosure assembly


                                                                            AIM The objective of the project is convert CAD shapes into Icepak primitive shapes in Spaceclaim & modify the components in Icepak & define the correct physics.   The number of bodies in the CAD model. The functionality of individual bodies or groups of bodies. The required for analysis for the thermal and…


                                                                            14 May 2021 04:21 PM IST

                                                                              Read more

                                                                              Week 5.2 - Multi Level Meshing


                                                                              AIM The objective of the project is to create the multi level meshing to resolve CAD objects in the Icepak model and reduce the original mesh elements. TASK Create non-conformal mesh assembly and use mesh separately option with slack values. Use set uniform parameters and use average on 1 assembly, in multi-level meshing…


                                                                              18 May 2021 07:44 AM IST

                                                                                Read more

                                                                                Week 6.2 - Setting up a model (Hanging Node)


                                                                                AIM The objective of the project is to create thermal analysis of the hanging node model. TASK Create non-conformal mesh assembly and use mesh separately option with slack values. Create the physics model for the hanging node and plot the results for the model. Model File --> unpack project --> hanging node.tzr -…


                                                                                21 May 2021 03:32 PM IST

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                                                                                  Week 5.1 - Non-Conformal Meshing and Solving a Cold plate model


                                                                                  AIM The objective of the project is to perform CFD analysis for the Cold plate and also create the non conformal mesh for the model. TASK Create non-conformal mesh assembly. Solve for Flow and Temperature model & choose zero equation turbulent model and setup gravity vector. Setup transient simulation with an initial…


                                                                                  28 May 2021 11:41 AM IST

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                                                                                  Week 5.3 - Forced convection Analysis


                                                                                  AIM The objective of the project is convert CAD shapes into Icepak primitive shapes in Spaceclaim & modify the components in Icepak & define the correct physics. Procedure Total number of bodies in the CAD model is calculated. The depending on the functionality of individual bodies or groups of bodies the objects…


                                                                                  30 Jun 2021 04:48 PM IST

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                                                                                    Week 6.1 - Setting up a model (Electronic enclosure)


                                                                                    AIM The objective of the project is to setup the physics for the model and the solve the model. TASK Setup the physics for the Electronic enclosure. Solve the Electronic enclosure and display the results. Model       The total of 11 assembly are created for the model  The enclosure are divided into…


                                                                                    30 Jun 2021 06:30 PM IST

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                                                                                      Week 7 - Mid-term Project - Natural Convection


                                                                                      Low voltage control panel It is a component of an electrical distribution system that divides an electrical power feed into branch circuits while providing a protective fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure. Low voltage (LV) panels are most common across all the industries and one of the more…


                                                                                      05 Jul 2021 05:33 PM IST

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                                                                                        Week 8 - Natural Convection-II


                                                                                        Low voltage control panel It is a component of an electrical distribution system that divides an electrical power feed into branch circuits while providing a protective fuse or circuit breaker for each circuit in a common enclosure. Low voltage (LV) panels are most common across all the industries and one of the more…


                                                                                        06 Jul 2021 06:31 PM IST

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                                                                                          Week 9 - PCB Thermal Simulation


                                                                                          PCB Board A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non conductive substrate. Components are generally…


                                                                                          19 Jul 2021 11:56 AM IST

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                                                                                            Week 10 - MRF project


                                                                                            Aim The objective of the project is to create a MRF model by importing the model to Ansys Icepak and setup the physics & solve the thermal model. Moving Reference Frame The Moving reference frame approach is a steady state method used in CFD to model problems with rotating parts. The MRF is a moving/sliding mesh…


                                                                                            24 Aug 2021 05:23 PM IST

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                                                                                            Week 12 - Final Project - Modelling and Analysis of a Datacenter


                                                                                            AIM The objective of the project is to create a data center model using macros in the Icepak. The main parts of the data center are Computer room air conditioning (CRAC), server cabinets, power distribution units and perforated tiles. Analyze the flow distribution and behaviour of temperature in the server stacks. Problem…


                                                                                            20 Sep 2021 12:41 PM IST

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                                                                                              Week 11 - Louver/Grille characterization


                                                                                              Aim The objective of the project is to simulate a hexa grille placed at the center of the channel for a streamline flow and do a parametric optiization of the design. Task Define a parameter to optimize the design. Define trials. Define primary and compound functions that you want to report. Calculate parametric solutions.…


                                                                                              20 Sep 2021 12:41 PM IST

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                                                                                                Showing 1 of 75 projects

                                                                                                11 Course Certificates


                                                                                                IC Engine Calibration using GT-POWER and GT-SUITE

                                                                                                Certificate UID: 1g3NwXGJnO4seNsg
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Introduction to GUI based CFD using ANSYS Fluent

                                                                                                Certificate UID: 7NC6LuHTaLwOjJck
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Introduction to CFD using MATLAB and OpenFOAM

                                                                                                Certificate UID: BpkL3sSQv55tKL4J
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Advanced CFD for IC Engine Applications using CONVERGE

                                                                                                Certificate UID: lw6oOmE5UZpz8xxp
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicle using MATLAB and Simulink

                                                                                                Certificate UID: nop7h2btd583wmvu
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Preprocessor for Structural Analysis using ANSA

                                                                                                Certificate UID: d9rst4jq6pxunikl
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Crashworthiness Analysis using HyperMesh and Radioss

                                                                                                Certificate UID: n4jkdelihszvobmq
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Introduction to Control of Electric Vehicle

                                                                                                Certificate UID: guqwhvelxs2jy8pi
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Introduction to Battery Technology for Electric Vehicle

                                                                                                Certificate UID: 8auprzhc7xo3nsv6
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Introduction to Model-Based Development using MATLAB and Simulink

                                                                                                Certificate UID: 5dnuitmhoas2eqg1
                                                                                                View Certificate

                                                                                                Electronic Cooling Simulations using ANSYS ICEPAK

                                                                                                Certificate UID: 1bxuodqh9w2tsgpz
                                                                                                View Certificate
                                                                                                Showing 1 of 11 certificates

                                                                                                1 Workshop Certificates


                                                                                                How to build a world-class amusement park as a Mechanical Engineer

                                                                                                Certificate UID: we5rna9k63
                                                                                                View Certificate
                                                                                                Showing 1 of 1 certificates

                                                                                                Academic Qualification


                                                                                                Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College

                                                                                                27 Jul 2015 - 10 May 2019


                                                                                                Zion Matriculation. Hr. Sec. School

                                                                                                02 Jun 2014 - 31 Mar 2015


                                                                                                Alwin Memorial Public School

                                                                                                04 Jun 2012 - 01 Apr 2013

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