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Introduction to C++ Programming

A 3 month course which explores C++ by covering all the concepts with real time industry relevant examples.

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Tech Mahindra

MIT Group of Institutions Aurangabad

Mukesh Kanna S

Tech Mahindra

Panimalar Engineering College


Tech Mahindra

Apollo Engineering College

G Harish Jairaj

IIT Madras

Velammal Engineering College

Gorle Balaram

Relaince Jio

Sri Venkateswara College Of Engineering & Technology

Prakash Shukla


Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur (U.P.)

Gunashekar Srinivas

Equilibrium Solutions

Vellore Institute of Technology - VIT Chennai

Durga Varaprasad

Tata Elxsi

Osmania University Hyderabad


This course is full of best-in-class content by leading faculty and industry experts in the form of videos and projects

Course Overview

  • The students will gain a thorough knowledge of C++ Basics, Object-Oriented Programming, Advanced topics of C++, threads, and Processes.
  • Students will gain exposure to C++ usage, its prominent role in various industries, and its real-world applications such as the Automobile, Semiconductor, Gaming, Automation Industry, etc.
  • They can specialize in the domain and gain complete in-depth knowledge of it.
  • The students are exposed to the modern trends and the standard practices followed in the industry right now.
  • This course forms the foundation for anyone wanting to become a C++/Software Developer.

Course Syllabus

On a daily basis we talk to companies in the likes of Tata Elxsi and Mahindra to fine tune our curriculum.

Week 1 - Introduction to C++

  • Introduction to C++
    • What is C++?
    • Program Paradigm
    • ANSI/ISO vs Standard C++
    • C++ Syntax and Structure
    • C++ Language Fundamentals
    • Benefits of C++ over C
  • C vs C++  
    • Procedural vs OOP
    • Compiling a C Program in C++
    • Undefined Behavior in C and C++
    • Void * in C vs C++
    • Name Mangling 
    • Use of Extern C in C++ Programming
    • Structures in C vs Class in C++
  • C++ vs Java 
    • Similarities between C++ and Java
    • Exception Handling in C++ vs Java
    • Default Virtual Behavior in C++ vs Java
    • Floating Point Operations and Property of Associativity in C, C++, and Java


Week 2 - Environment Setup & Fundamentals in C++

  • Environment Setup for CPP Programming
    • Compiler setup 
    • Online compilers
    • Eclipse/ Visual Studio Setup
    • First Program
    • Understanding compilation- Build Pipeline
    • Preprocessing, Compiling, Assembling, and Linking
  • C++ Basics 
  • Data Types and Modifiers 
    • Built-in Datatypes
    • User-defined or Abstract Data Types
  • Variables in C++
    • Declaration and Scope of Variables
    • Global Variables
    • Local Variables 
    • Static Variables
    • Extern Variables
    • Auto Variables
  • Operators in C++
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Bitwise Operators
    • Relational Operators
    • Conditional Operators
    • Sizeof Operators
    • Assignment Operator
    • Unary Operator
    • Pre-Increment vs Post-increment Operators
  • Loop Types in C++
    • For
    • While 
    • Do-while
  • Decision Making in C++
    • If
    • else-if
    • if-else-if
    • nested-if
    • switch


Week 3 - Strings and Arrays

  • Strings in C++
  • Arrays in C++
  • Functions in C++
    • Call by Value
    • Call By Reference
    • Inline Functions
    • Function Pointers 
    • Pointer to Function


Week 4 - Pointers and References

  • Pointers in C++
  • References in C++
  • File Handling in C++
    • File Operations
  • File Handling through C++ Class
    • f-stream
    • if-stream
    • of-stream 


Week 5 - DMA and OOPS Part 1

  •  Dynamic Memory Allocation
    • malloc()
    • calloc()
    • realloc()
    • free
    • new
    • delete
    • malloc vs new
    • free vs delete
  • Object-Oriented Programming
    • OOP’s Concepts - Briefing
  • Class
    • Default access specifier in a class
    • Access Modifiers
    • Constructor 
    • Destructor
    • Assignment Operator
    • Copy Constructor
    • Default member functions in a class
  • Object


Week 6 - OOPS Part 2

  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Message Passing
  • Dynamic Binding
  • Data Hiding
  • Inheritance
    • Use of Inheritance
    • Modes of Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance
    • Single Inheritance
    • Multiple Inheritance
    • Hierarchical Inheritance
    • Multiple Inheritance
    • Hybrid Inheritance
    • Multipath Inheritance
  • Diamond Problem


Week 7 - OOPS Part 3

  • Polymorphism
  • Compile Time Polymorphism 
    • Function Overloading
    • Operator Overloading
  • Runtime Polymorphism
    • Function Overriding
    • Virtual Keyword
    • VTable
    • Vptr- V Pointer 
    • Virtual Functions
    • Abstract Class
    • Pure Virtual Function
    • Interface vs Abstract Class 


Week 8 - Constructors and Destructors

  • Constructors and Destructors 
    • Virtual constructor 
    • Virtual Destructor
    • Virtual Copy Constructor
    • Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy 
    • When does the compiler create default constructor and copy constructor?
    • When do you write your own Copy constructor and Assignment Operator?
    • Dangling Pointer 
    • Void Pointer and Opaque Pointer 
    • Null Pointer and Wild Pointer 
    • Private Constructor
    • Private Destructor
    • Copy Elision
    • Explicit Keyword- Can constructors and Destructors be called explicitly?


Week 9 - Keywords in C++

  • Static Keyword in C++ 
    • Static Variables in a Function
    • Static Variables in a Class
    • Static Members of Class- Static Class Objects
    • Static Member Functions in a Class 
  • Const keyword in C++ 
  • Mutable Keyword in C++ 
  • Friend Function and Friend Class in C++ 
  • This Pointer in C++ 
    • ‘this’ pointer
    • Type of ‘this’ pointer
    • delete ‘this


Week 10 - Type Casting

  • Type Casting in C++ 
    • Implicit cast
  • Explicit cast
    • dynamic_cast
    • static_cast
    • reinterpret_cast
    • const_cast 
  • Member Initializer List in C++ 
    • Use of Initializer Lists
    • Cases where we use Member initializer lists


Week 11 - Exception Handling

  • Exception Handling in C++
    • Why do we need Exception Handling in C++
    • Base Class and Derived Class Exception Handling 
    • Catch Block in C++
    • Object Destruction 
    • Stack Unwinding in C++
  • Templates in C++ 
    • How do Templates work?
    • Function Templates
    • Class Templates
    • Template Specialization


Week 12 - Multithreading

  • Multithreading in C++ 
    • Posix threads 
    • Std :: thread
  • Inter-Process Communication 
    • What is IPC
    • Various methods in IPC
  • Smart pointers
    • Use of Smart Pointers
  • Types of Smart Pointers 
    • Auto pointer
    • Unique pointer
    • Shared pointer
    • Weak pointer

Our courses have been designed by industry experts to help students achieve their dream careers

Industry Projects

Our projects are designed by experts in the industry to reflect industry standards. By working through our projects, Learners will gain a practical understanding of what they will take on at a larger-scale in the industry. In total, there are 2 Projects that are available in this program.

IT Inventory Management

During this project work, the students should find the best vendor from whom purchases can be made based on the number of commodities and reasonable prices to pay based on the provided table. Using an array of pointers or using double pointers, dynamically allocate memory for every row in the given arrays.

Automobile Maintenance System

Build an object-oriented library which can be used to track automobile maintenance. There will be a set of syntax given, which the students have to use in order to create the library. The library interfaces, or API’s (Application Program Interface), should be capable of adding, updating, listing, and removing the entries at runtime. 

Our courses have been designed by industry experts to help students achieve their dream careers

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INR 45,000

Inclusive of all charges

Become job ready with our comprehensive industry focused curriculum for freshers & early career professionals

  • 1 Year Accessto Skill-Lync’s Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Personalized Pageto showcase Projects & Certifications

  • Live Individual & Group Sessionsto resolve queries, Discuss Progress and Study Plans.

  • Personalized & Hands-OnSupport over Mail, Telephone for Query Resolution & Overall Learner Progress.

  • Job-Oriented Industry Relevant Curriculumavailable at your fingertips curated by Global Industry Experts along with Live Sessions.

Instructors profiles

Our courses are designed by leading academicians and experienced industry professionals.


1 industry expert

Our instructors are industry experts along with a passion to teach.


9 years in the experience range

Instructors with 9 years extensive industry experience.


Areas of expertise

  • Product design & development

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